Bonus Chapter 2: Don't Take What You Have For Granted

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1 year later

"Catherine! Where art thou," I screamed as loud as possible, hoping I was loud enough that she could hear me no matter how deep into the forest she was.

Eventually, as I ran past the trees, I saw a gain and distant pillar of smoke, signifying a camp.

I charged in it's direction, my heart beating harder than ever before as I worried about what would happen next.

Finally, I reached the camp... but it was too late. Catherine's body was hung on a cross in an angelic pose; her body clearly being used for a blood eagle.

I pulled Catherine down from the cross, and cradled her in my arms while I cried softly. I wanted to cry my heart out, to scream into the heavens... but I couldn't. I was so used to heartbreak and loss, I could barely feel anything.

Then, I saw it again. A flash of those sinister red eyes, that twisted smile...

I jolted out of my bed, my breathing ahead of my thoughts as I came to terms with what just happened.

Fuck. Another dream, I thought. Why won't these ever go away?

Then I heard a faint tapping on my door, so I turned to it and yelled "Give thee a second!"

Once I heard Catherine walk away from the door, I laid back down and sighed. I then began remembering one of my many adventures before now.

After a while, Hope interrupted my trip down memory lane by saying Hey, it'll be alright.

You know it won't. We both know that, just like usual, something will kill Catherine, and I'll be left alone again.

Hey, you don't know that.

Yes, I do. Every single time I've met someone I end up trusting, I lose them before I can embrace how happy I feel. It always happens so soon... Catherine's the closest thing I've ever had to a kid.


And before you say something like "Happiness is just around the corner", just shut up. If that was ever true, it would've already happen. It's just not for me...


After a long silence, I got up from the bed, exited my room, and walked outside to the fire, where Catherine was waiting on a wooden chair.

She was sitting there without a care in the world, tilting her head to the left and right while her legs swung delicately under her.

I shook my head, then approached her. She perked up, turned around, and smiled before saying "Took thou long enough!"

"Sleep is important," I replied before sitting on a chair across from Catherine.

We sat there in silence for a while, the only sound being the crackling from the fire. I looked down at the ground, deep in thought, ignoring everything around me.

"So... thou mentioned thou can changeth appearances..."


"Then... why doth thou looketh like that always?"

I considered whether I wanted to answer her question for a while, but eventually answered "Respect... thou wouldn't easily understand... but thou taketh thee form of thee man thou respected most... in thee previous life."

I heard a quiet squeaking sound, so I looked up and saw Catherine had scooted her chair next to me. I turned away from her, causing her to frown a little.

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