Chapter 13: Crash and Burn

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Once the helicopter reached the helipad to pick us up and we went on it, Steve said "Hey, Matthew, I'm gonna want your help with something."

"Alright," I replied, sitting down next to him.

Once the others took their seats, the helicopter took off, and then Steve explained "I've already got a few ideas how I can create technology powerful enough to contain organic electricity."

"Wow. It's only been... what, two minutes and you already got ideas? I know you're smart, but give your brain a break," I joked.

Steve rolled his eyes, then said "To be fair, I wasn't always able to think this fast. Back when I... thought Rowan died... I could just barely think at twice the speed of a normal person."

"Anyways," I said, trying to turn Steve's attention back to the discussion at hand before I missed my chance to get to know him.

"What ideas have you got?"

Steve motioned me with his hand to follow him, then opened the helicopter sliding door, grabbed a plain grey sphere out of his belt labeled Helicopter Platform, and placed it underneath the door, near the bottom of the copter.

The disk transformed into a platform connected to the side of the sliding door frame, and then formed small walls around the platform that barely reached our hips.

Once the platform finished forming, a blue energy field shot out of the top of the walls, and once the energy field was a few feet tall it made the roof of the energy field, the sound of the helicopter blades now muffled. We then stepped onto the platform, and Steve closed the door behind us.

Then, he went to the middle of the platform and said "Alright, I want to try and make Univantium, right here and now."

"I... you mean the metal your swords are made of? I don't know how to make them."

"But I do," Steve informed me. "All I need from you is mystic electricity."

"I'm... I'm sorry, but I can't. With the other electricity types, theirs specific things I have to think about. With organic and techno, I think about a specific passion. With magical, I just wish I can do or have something."

"But with mystic... I've never done that before."

"Then now's a good time to figure it out."

"But how?"

"First, what passions do you think about when it comes to organic and techno?"

"It's... weird. With techno, I think of dogs, but with organic I think of music."

"You think it's weird, but it isn't really. Both are man-made to an extent, but at least with music, you can get similar feelings by listening to the rain and things like that, but with dogs, humans never would be petting them if they hadn't bred them to exist."

"But... you could argue that guitars should fit with techno, and dogs should go with organic," I reasoned.

"Look, it's what we're going with, because it's the way it is. So... what could you think about to activate mystic electricity?"

"I'm not sure, I-," I started to say, but was interrupted by Steve punching me across the face.

"WHAT THE HECK," I yelled, green electricity starting to cover my body.

"Like I suspected. Anger draws it out."

I rubbed my injured cheek, the electricity surging through my body allowing me to feel the pain.

"You didn't have to hit me so hard..."

My cheek finished healing, and the pain disappeared along with the mark Steve's fist left.

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