June (Part 5)

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  "What is all of this?" Daphne squeals out in laughter, her hands up against her cheeks in surprise.

  Her mother walks over, along with Rene and Hazel, offering to take the chair from Chris. "Well, since you're stuck here, and didn't get to experience your baby shower, we thought we'd bring it to you." Hazel and Rene each take a hand of their sister-in-law in their own as Laura pushes her daughter in closer to the party. "Now, we've only been given an hour so we need to work fast."

  Chris moves aside a chair so that Daphne's wheelchair has a spot closest to the gift table. "Oh, and a small piece of cake is all you're allowed." Daphne pouts at her husband who just reminds her that she's lucky she can have any at all. 

  "Fine," she huffs in annoyance before being bombarded by the little hands of her nieces shoving gifts into her lap. "Is this for me?"

  "Baby," Ellie says quietly, pointing at her aunt's belly. 

  "What's the baby's name, Ellie?" James asks, crouching down next to his youngest daughter. "We've been working with her on it."

  The little girl eyes her daddy's mouth as he starts to say the beginning of the baby's name. "Juper!" the little girl cries. Daphne leans down, planting a kiss on the sweet girl's cheek. "Close enough!"

  "It's Juniper, Ellie," Sarah corrects her sister.

  "It's alright. Remember she's just a baby herself," Rene reminds her daughter. "Now, let's let Aunt Daphne open up these gifts, enjoy some cake and get back to resting."

  "I'm so tired of resting," Daphne whines, dropping her head back. Chris leans over from his spot next to her and gently rubs her shoulder. "I know, I know."

  "I didn't say anything," he smirks at his wife.

  "You didn't have to," she cuts her eyes at him. "I can ready you pretty easily. I know it's my job to keep our little girl safe and sound. I've been following doctor's orders, it's just getting rather boring up here alone."

  "Well," Hazel takes a spot at the cake, beginning to cut it into slices, "I'm off tomorrow and Ollie is going to keep Milo, so I'm planning on coming up. I am at your service for the day. I'll even bring polish and we can paint your nails," she suggests.

  Daphne's face lights up at the idea of having company all day long. "Yes, please! That mint color you were wearing last week?"

  Hazel nods, "You got it."

  "How are things at the house?" Adam asks his son-in-law.

  "Busy," Chris replies, passing another gift over to the girls to deliver to Daphne. "I don't have a day off for another four shifts."

  "At least he's keeping you on the same shift though, that's gotta count for something," Laura chimes in. 

  Chris nods, completely agreeing. "Definitely makes a difference right now for sure." He looks over at Daphne as she holds up the sweetest little pink floral dress. "Perfect for her first trip to church," he tells her before seeing her hold up a pair of tiny little pink flats with a small bow on them. "Okay, I'm just gonna be a puddle, aren't I?"

  The men in the family laugh as Chris clutches his chest, one hand over his heart. "The girl's are always the ones that do you in," Adam tells him.

  "She'll have you wrapped quick," James chimes in, looking over at his own two daughters. 

  "I can't wait," Chris whispers, leaning over to kiss Daphne's temple. "My girls," he tells her, resting his hand over her belly.

  "Did you enjoy yourself?" Chris asks as he wheels Daphne back to her room.

  The festivities had quieted down, everyone making sure to stick to the rules in place by the doctor and nurses. Daphne had watched from her chair as the room went from being covered in pink back to its bland, stale walls as her family rearranged everything back in order. 

  "It was wonderful," she sighs, reaching back to rest her hand over his as he wheels her down the hallway. "Thank you for being so thoughtful."

  He pushes her through the doorway to her room, and she audibly groans. "I don't want to get back in that bed, Chris."  He stops the chair, locking it in place, before coming around and crouching down in front of her. He finds her eyes filled with tears.

  "I know, love, I know."

  "No, no you don't know!" she begins to cry, her lip trembling. "You have no idea how long the days are! How much I wish I could be home with you and the dog. How I wish I could be home, preparing for Juni's arrival, rather than laid up in that bed!" she yells, pointing at her home for the past few weeks, with still weeks to go. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't be taking this out on you. I'm just so tired of it."

  "I wish I could do something more for you, Daph, truly."

  She just sniffles, nodding her head. Daphne knows that Chris would do anything in his power to make things better for her, but in this situation it's just not possible. "I love you for keeping our girl safe and sound," he tells her, his hands holding both of his girls. "You're doing so much for her."

  "Help me shower before I get back in bed?" she asks, timidly.

  "Of course, but we need to do it quick."  She starts to stand, but Chris holds his hand out to stop her. He unlocks the brakes and pushes her closer into the bathroom. He begins running the shower, slipping a towel down onto the floor to prevent Daphne from slipping. He holds out his hands, helping her stand before undressing her. He lets his hands dance over the swell of her stomach a moment longer than normal, relishing in the small nudges he feels from his little girl. "I can't wait to meet you, Juni Girl." Daphne's hand runs through his hair as he places a tender kiss to her belly button. 

  He helps his wife shower quickly, noticing her eyes blinking rapidly on a few occasions. "You okay?" 

  "Bit of a headache," she tells him. "Getting a few spots in my vision."

  Chris grabs a towel, helping her dry off quickly. "How long?"

  Daphne doesn't want to answer him, knowing he'll become angry at her admittance. "Daph?" he questions more sternly. 

  "About halfway through the shower." He huffs in annoyance. "I didn't want to end the party."

  "So you keep it to yourself? You know that's not safe at this point in the game," he reminds her as he helps her slip into a clean gown. "Let's get you to bed and I'll call the nurse in."

  Daphne skirts past the wheel chair, making Chris sigh at his wife's defiance, watching her waddle over to her bed. She stops, resting her hands on the mattress, almost doubling over as she groans. "Daph?"

  She starts to lean forward a bit more, her vision beginning to close in around her. He rushes to her side as she starts to fall a bit. He reaches her just in time to notice her go limp, sliding down the side of the bed he helps her reach the floor safely, grabbing up at the call button. "Daphne! Daphne!" he yells out as her body begins convulsing. 


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