January 4 The Trip Home

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Chris POV

  "Hey Daph. We need to go babe," I call out to her. We both have work in the morning. It's already noon and there's a minimum seven hour drive ahead of us.
  After the intense confrontation last night I called reception and asked for a late checkout. She needed the extra sleep more than I did. My heart aches as she comes around the corner from the bathroom. Her eyes are still puffy and the redness has remained around them even though it's been hours since she last cried.
  "Ok, I'm ready," she tells me as she picks up her purse from the bed.
I notice she's still not looking me in the eye. "Drive thru okay? That way we can get on the road."
"Sure," she simply states walking through the door I've held open for her.
She reaches the elevator and calls it up to our floor. Once inside she stands on the opposite side away from me. When we reach the lobby she doesn't walk directly next to me but a few feet separates us. The closer we get to the car I use the key fob to unlock it. Daphne reaches for the handle on the passenger side. I clear my throat. "No ma'am," I say. "That's my job."
She pulls her hand away and takes a step back. I set the luggage down and open her door for her. She climbs in and I wait to close it until she's situated. I toss the luggage in the trunk and climb behind the wheel.
"What are you feeling for lunch?" I ask as I back the car out of the parking space.
"Whatever is fine. You pick," she says barely glancing in my direction.
I'm starving since we skipped breakfast so I just pull into the first burger joint I come to. "Do you want your usual or something different?"
"Yes, that's fine."
I order her burger and make sure to get her favorite Vanilla Coke in a large. I'm not sure what I've done but hopefully this helps thaw the ice around her exterior. Taking the order I place it on the center console for Daphne to unpack as I pull out onto the highway headed back north.
The start of the trip is quiet. Too quiet. I had hoped this time would be filled with laughter as we reminisce over the quick getaway. But that thought is dissipating quickly. I decide to connect my phone to the auxiliary in the car and open up a playlist hitting shuffle. Soon the car fills with music.
The first song unfortunately reminds me of our argument last night.

A strangled smile fell from your face
What kills me that I hurt you this way
The worst part is that I didn't even know
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
But if you can find a reason to stay

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together
Whatever it takes

  It seems to hit a chord with Daphne as well. "I think I'm going to lay back if that's okay with you. My eyes are so heavy," she says.
  "Of course sweetheart. Whatever you need," I tell her reaching for her hand as she lays the seat back and turns toward the door.

  Confused doesn't even have enough meaning behind it to describe how I'm feeling right now. We were okay last night when we went to bed. Both parties forgiven. I play the rest of the night through my mind.

We had both come to terms with our roles in the disagreement tonight. There was under reaction on my part and over reaction on Daphne's. I gave way more attention to the female than was necessary but Daphne said she forgave me.
At about 1 am we each refresh ourselves in the restroom and crawl into our separate beds. Again, I want to hold her but I'm not willing to push my luck at this point in time. I say a prayer that she rests tonight and that we'll be okay in the light of day. I continue to watch her a bit longer before I close my own eyes and drift off.

I feel my bed dip as I'm in and out of consciousness. The covers pulled back in place as Daphne comes to rest next to me. "Can't sleep?" I ask groggily.
  "Not really," she responds as she places her hand on my chest.
  I turn towards her, my body laying beside her as she is on her back. I prop my head up on my elbow. "What's wrong, baby? Talk to me," I say pushing her hair behind her ear.
  Her eyes are heavy, not due to lack of sleep but from her tears. She reaches up placing her hand on my cheek and guides my mouth to hers. I place a gentle kiss on her lips before I pull back.
I lay on my back again and pull her against my side. We stay this way for a few moments before Daphne leans up and over me. She brings her lips to mine. It's not her normal way of kissing me. There's a feeling of need, desire. My hand reaches into her hair, taking control of the kiss. She moans at the feeling of my hand knotted in her hair.
"I want you," she whispers against my lips.
"Daphne," I say softly as she begins a trail of kisses to my neck.
"Don't you want me?" She asks finding her way back to my lips.
"More than anything, but we can't," I tell her, holding her face in the palms of my hands.
Her eyes look into mine, pleading with me. "Yes, we can. We're going to get married, it's fine."
I reach over and turn the lamp on that's next to the bed. "No, Daphne. This is not the moment you've waited so long for. Not after the night we had."
She begins tearing up again, lip quivering. "But maybe it would help me with my insecurities. Feel more confident around gorgeous women because I know you'll be mine."
"I am yours. There is no other woman that I find even remotely attractive," I assure her.
  "Chris, tonight, I saw..." she attempts to speak her thoughts.
  "Daphne, you saw a woman attempt to throw herself at me. I threw away her number. I went on and on about you to Jason. I came back here to you. You are it for me," I tell her. "But this is what I need you to hear more than anything else,"
I say taking her hands in mine and looking her straight in those beautiful brown eyes, "I look forward to the day I become one with you but it will not happen before the wedding. I will not let you fall back on your commitment to yourself. Understand?"
  She buries her head on my chest and cries. "I'm sorry. Here you are trying to keep my 'honor' intact and I'm throwing myself at you."
  I stroke her back and chuckle. "Be thankful I'm such a gentleman now because if this was me about 13 years ago there might've been a different outcome." 
  "I love the you you're now," she says as her tears subside.
  "Love you more my beautiful, Daphne."

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