September Get Away

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I truly believe I'm dreaming when I wake up the next morning. It's Saturday, with no plans, so I don't immediately jump into the hustle and bustle of the morning. But instead, when I roll over, I'm greeted by the sight of my precious husband.

It's been several weeks since we've had this kind of moment together.  Attitudes have been worn quite thin over the course of the last month, tension apparent. But right now, there's none of that present.

   Leaning over carefully, I place a light kiss upon his cheek.  His eyelids flutter ever so slightly just before his lips part with a small exhale of air and he's deep in sleep again.

   Suddenly I decide exactly what we are going to do with our weekend off. Quietly I slide out of bed, and go through our bathroom and into our closet, grabbing a small bag. I toss in a couple t-shirts for both of us, shorts and underwear along with our toothbrushes. I tiptoe back through our bedroom on a mission to place the bag in the car. Of course Dodger pops up real quick, hot on my heels to go outside.

   While he takes care of business I pack up his food and leash before putting everything in the trunk. Walking past my purse I remember the test strips. I decide today is the day to start and go into the guest bath.  Directions are simple, much like the pregnancy test. I wait to see the color change but after five minutes I realize today is not the day. Honestly, I don't even care, because today I'm just wanting to enjoy my time with Chris.


   I hear that sexy, deep voice still laden with sleep call out to me. I run through the house with a smile on my face, giddy over the thought of forty-eight hours alone with him.

   "Yes, my love?" I stop just shy of stepping in the room, leaning against the door frame.

   He rakes his eyes over me, slowly. Getting up, he stalks over to meet me. "Get back in bed," grabbing my waist.

   I really want to get back in bed with this man who is raring to go for another round, but then I'm afraid I'll completely falter on my plan and stay wrapped in him all day. Before I can say anything Dodger starts scratching at the door.

   Saved by the dog.

   "I'm gonna let him in. You get dressed. We have plans."

   "I have my own plans," he says mischievously as he lets his hands roam from my waist. I gently push him back. "Get dressed." I poke him in his chest with a single finger before walking away.

  He lets out a deep groan. I chuckle, looking back over my shoulder I see he's hung his head but starts to move towards the bathroom and closet.

   It's still dark out, not even 6 am yet. After putting two cups of coffee in the car I load Dodger up and call out to Chris. "Let's go handsome!"

   He shuffles out the front door, locking it behind him. He's got his baseball hat on backwards. 'Lord help me,' I think to myself as my body starts to heat up at the sight. Chris catches my eye with a smug smile. Now it's my turn to groan. "Ugh. Just get in the car."

   "You planning on letting me know what our plans are?"


   "Bet I can guarantee my plan was better," he mumbles under his breath.

   "You don't know that, mister," I sass. "Sucks being on the other side of a surprise doesn't it?"

Chris POV

I had not even realized I'd fallen asleep until I feel Dodger's head resting on the seat by my head. His wet nose nudging my ear.

"It's been three hours Daphne. Where are we going?"

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