June: Thirty Four Part One

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Daphne POV

"So you'll pick him up at 2 and keep him busy until the party, right?" I ask Scott.

I listen to him tell me his side of the plan for Chris's birthday. After pulling the car into the garage I close the garage door behind me.

I'd spent the morning shopping with Charlotte. Our school had a permanent job opening in Kindergarten and had offered it to her. I'm thrilled we'll get to work together more.

Scott continues telling me about his own surprise for Chris. Another five minutes pass. I look up to see the door into the house open, revealing the love of my life. But, something is very different with him as he is sporting a clean cut jawline. Inhaling deeply from this surprise that has set my heart racing, "I gotta go Scott. I'll text you later."

      "Hello gorgeous," I say climbing out of my car as I take in the impressive man that is leaning against the door frame

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"Hello gorgeous," I say climbing out of my car as I take in the impressive man that is leaning against the door frame. I wonder if I have any glass that needs to be cut because good gracious his jaw could take care of it for me.

"That's my line," he says with a quirk of his brow. He steps away from the door frame, closing the kitchen door behind him. I think that seems strange but figure he must want to keep Dodger out of the garage.

I reach into the back seat and pull out the couple of shopping bags from my excursion, also in an effort to gather my composure. Chris steps closer to me as I close the car door. He reaches for my hand, removing the bags from my grasp and places them on his work bench off to the side. I expect him to make small talk, ask about the shopping trip or at least inquire if Charlotte has told me anything more about her relationship with Hayden. But for now he doesn't say anything.

He turns back to me as I lift my hand, touching his now bare cheek.

"Do you remember this face now?" He asks me, holding onto my hips, reminding me of his recent realization that we met June of last year.

"Hmmm...not sure. May need the ball cap...backwards," I say with a smirk and a tug on my lower lip.

Chris matches my smirk, walking towards me, moving me backwards closer to my car. "I wasn't wearing the cap backwards," he reminds me.

"Potato, potatoe, same thing," I tell him as I feel the back of my thighs hit the hood of the car.

Chris has officially caged me in. His stance just wide enough for him to lean over me, his hands resting on the hood of the car, on either side of me. I breathe him in. The lingering smell of shaving cream topped with a woodsy aftershave. Instinctively my eyes close and a sigh escapes through my lips. "What are you up to Christopher?" I open my eyes to see his own ocean blue eyes concentrated on my lips. His hand moves from the hood of the car, and gently caresses my neck before it finds its way into my hair. I gasp as he crushes his lips onto mine, using his hand to guide and deepen the kiss, eliciting a quiet moan from me.

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