June: Thirty Four Part Two

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Chris POV

  I follow Daphne's car back to the house, still mentally cursing myself for the way this day has started. There's got to be something I can do to make it up to her. I'll enlist Scott, maybe he can give me some ideas.

Once the truck is parked beside Daphne's car in the garage I jump out quickly to help her carry the items back in the house. Dodger meets us, having heard the garage door open and close. He's bouncing around as he sees his mama has returned. "Hey bubs. Did ya have a good night?" She asks him just as if she'd ask her child how they slept. "You need to go out? Huh, need to go potty?"

"I've got him. You go crawl into bed," I tell her. She looks exhausted, walking slowly as if she's carrying a heavy load. I gently massage her shoulders as I walk behind her towards our bedroom. As I pass the back door I open it to let Dodger go do his business before continuing to follow Daphne. She makes her way to the bathroom as I pull back the covers on her side. I turn on the television and set the volume to 2, exactly where she prefers it, and press play on the Friends episode we left off on. I know it's not much, and may not make any bit of difference, but it makes me feel a tiny better.

Daphne returns, wearing one of my tees and her underwear. She says it's her preferred attire for sleeping, especially when I'm working night shift. According to her it's as though I'm hugging her while she sleeps. I don't argue with her, nor laugh although that's what I want to do every time she tells me. It brings her comfort so I'll respect that and keep the humor of it to myself.

She slips into the bed, between the mattress and the sheets. Her head sinks into the pillow, already finding a sense of peace, as I pull the sheet and comforter up over her shoulder.  Carefully, I lean over her, placing a sweet simple kiss on her forehead. She hums, content as she closes her eyes with hopes of sleep. "I love you," I say, gently pushing her hair away from her face. "I'll see you later I guess."

  "Okay," she whispers as sleep slowly takes her in its grasp. "Love you..."


   "You definitely swing a bat better than a golf club," Scott laughs out.

   In celebration of my birthday, Scott had taken me over to Top Golf after heading to some baseball cages. I'm making an effort but it's already been three hours and I'm ready to spend time with Daphne. And attempt to fix my flub from earlier.

  "I think my shoulder is getting a little worn out," I say as I rub along my right shoulder.

   Scott doesn't look convinced. His eyes narrowing. I try to throw in an extra grimace on my face. He just shakes his head at me. "I'm not buying it. What's going on? You're usually more fun than this on your birthday."

   I had originally planned on telling Scott about the incindent but then decided to keep quiet. But here goes nothing. "I let my mouth get me in trouble again."  Scott rolls his eyes with a groan. "When are you gonna learn, Chris?"

  "I'd like to say now, but really, who knows," I say in defeat.

  Just then Scott's phone goes off. He sits down on the black leather seats after pulling it from his pocket. I'm not sure I can read the look on his face but it's leaving me a little uneasy. "What's going on?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

  Scott quickly puts the phone away without answering the message. "Oh, uh, that was Daphne. She said she's not feeling well and asked if I could take you to dinner."

   I stand up, shaking my head. "No, if she's not feeling well I need to get back to her." I'm busy cleaning up our area in order to head out.

  "Come on. She'll be okay for a bit longer. Let's go have dinner. My treat," he offers.

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