February: Decisions

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Daphne POV

I'm not happy with the choice I may have to make. Depending on what my procedure shows tomorrow I'll need to decide whether to return to work or take a leave of absence.

This year has not been anything close to the way I thought it would be, for multiple reasons. Yes, the best part being Chris and all that he's brought into my life. But I never thought I'd be having to take off so much time from work. Between the accident at the beginning of the school year and my recent hospital stay I've been out for almost 5 weeks total. Now depending on what is found I may need to take off even more time. My heart is just broken.

Chris says everything will be fine if I need to take off the rest of the year. I'm just not convinced. Being independent for so long keeps me from being accepting of his willingness to help with my bills.

"Sweetheart, we'll be married in less than two months. I don't see why we can't go ahead and start incorporating our finances," he tells me as we walk into the restaurant for dinner. No food after midnight so we're going to enjoy an evening out at a local Barbecue place.

I roll my eyes. "Because we aren't married yet. I can take care of all of this on my own. No matter what they find I'm gonna go back to work." I'm feeling an uncomfortable defiance creeping through my body. I know he's only trying to help but for whatever reason it's rubbing me wrong.

He doesn't respond to me due to the waitress coming over but I can read the tightness in his jaw. He's not happy.

We order our drinks and an appetizer of fried pickles. The waitress walks off but I'm wishing she'd come back quickly.

"Look it's just-

"Not now, Daphne," Chris interrupts me. He's scanning the menu, not looking towards me whatsoever.

  I exhale a sigh and look over my own menu. My right leg is crossed over my left. My agitation expresses itself through the back and forth movement of my right foot. It doesn't stop when the waitress returns with our drinks and takes the rest of our order.

  "Now?" I ask him feeling snippy. "Can we discuss the decision that I will have to make?" He notices the strong emphasis I placed on the word I.

  "If it's a you only decision why do you want to talk about it with me, Daphne? This seems to be the only time my opinion doesn't make a bit of difference to you," he responds sternly.

  I narrow my eyes at him. "Ya know what, let's talk about the fact that something has been bothering you since I left the hospital. Care to share that with me?"

  Chris leans back in his seat tossing an arm over the back of the booth. He shakes his head from side to side. "I'm worried about you. About your well-being. You just got done saying that no matter what we find out tomorrow you're going back to work. No discussion. That's not how decisions in a marriage work."

  Frustration is rising higher and words slip before I can catch them. "We aren't married yet! I still need to provide for myself," I say pointing at myself.

  "I don't understand why you won't let me help you? Make me understand, Daphne! Because all I desire is to take care of you but you won't let me," he tells me. I take note of the vein in his neck starting to pop out. Yeah, I've not seen him like this since the night he punched Jackson.

  I try to calm myself but apparently I have diarrhea of the mouth and it just spews out. "Because I'm not worth it! You bought land for us. You're building a house for us. It's all from you! What am I bringing forth in this relationship right now? Nothing but heartache, worry and fear. I'm not worth it!"

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