Honeymoon Part 3

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Chris POV

  We spend our last day in Savannah doing little touristy type things. We eat at a popular restaurant that's been showcased on the Food Network. We take a trolley ride that shows us where scenes from some Hollywood movies were made as well.

  It's late afternoon when Daphne says she wants to show me where she grew up

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  It's late afternoon when Daphne says she wants to show me where she grew up. We drive about ten miles outside of downtown to a rural area. Homes are no longer sitting on top of one another but at least 1-2 acres each. She directs me down a side road that turns into a dirt road. Another two miles down and she points off to the left. "There. That's where I grew up."

  I put the truck in park. I take in the yellow two story home with black shutters. I now understand Daphne's insistence on a porch when I see a wrap around porch going all around the house. There's a large Weeping Willow tree in the backyard. A tire swing hangs off another tree in the front yard.

  "Is it the same as when you moved to Nassau?" I ask.
  "Somewhat. There use to be two Fir trees, one on each side of the driveway. Daddy planted them when Ollie and I were 5. They had grown so tall and wide by the time we moved. I guess the new owners didn't like them as much as we did," she tells me. "Oh! And over there is the Gardenia bush we planted in memory of my dad's parents when they passed. The blooms were always gorgeous and fragrant," she points to the opposite end of the house from where the truck sits.
  "Is the tire swing new or here before?"
  The slightest smile plays upon her lips as she tells me a memory. "Daddy hung it for my fourth birthday. I spent so much time on it just swinging or reading a book. It was also where I had my first kiss."
  "Oh really," I say inquisitively. "Tell me about it." I turn in the truck to face her better.

Daphne takes a small breath as her eyes light up in wonder. "See that blue house," she says pointing down the road a bit. I nod my head. "Jeremiah Matthews lived there. We went to school together. His sister, Sadie, and I were best friends. One day we decided to play wedding day. Obviously Sadie couldn't be the bride with her brother being the groom, so..." she points back to herself. "I was seven, Jeremiah was 8."

"Daphne Marie Evans. Are you telling me that you were originally Daphne Matthews?" I say playfully.
She laughs sheepishly. "For a whole week at least. Then a new neighbor moved in and I became chopped liver. So you see, my ability, or lack there of, to keep a guy interested started at a very young age."

  "You kept the interest of one and that's all that matters." I jump out of the truck and urge her to join me. "What are you doing now?" I take her hand and walk her towards the tire swing. "Chris, people live here."

"There's no cars so chances are no one is home. Come on," I tell her. We reach the swing and I help her climb into it. I gently push her. Her eyes dance the same way I imagine they did as a small child.
  "I bet you were a shy child," I say to my bride.

  "To an extent. I had certain friends that I could be crazy with and others that made me feel like I couldn't be myself. That's probably why I've been so guarded even as an adult," she reveals.

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