December Part 1

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The Christmas season has always been a favorite for both Daphne and Chris. It always seemed that it was the time of year where families took more time for one another. Friends made a stronger effort to see each other. And of course the wonderment from children as they await Santa. Multiple events keep calendars full and small towns busy.

The first event of the holiday season occurs every first Saturday of December, rain or shine: The Christmas Parade and Craft Fair. Yes, another event that shuts down the town. This one is much bigger than the high school homecoming parade though. Of course you've got the marching band, cheerleaders and football team but you've also got the area churches who decorate a float, businesses that have rented sports cars for advertisement, the Shriners in their tiny cars, and of course Santa himself rides in on a fire truck. 
  Unfortunately Florida doesn't have a winter like most other places. Temps for the parade are hanging out in the upper 50s, but the sun is shining so it doesn't feel quite as cold.

Daphne POV
   I zip up my boots and grab my purse fishing for my keys. Upon finding them I lock up the house and drive over to James and Rene's. We decided to go into town together and watch the parade. I can't wait to see Sarah's face light up.
  I turn the handle and start to open the door while yelling "knock knock!"  I'm met by sweet Sarah yelling, "Aunt Daphne, you're here!"  She wraps herself around my legs and hugs me tightly. "Hey my sweet girl! Where's mommy and daddy?"  She looks at me with a pout, "Ellie cry loud."
Rene comes around the corner holding the baby. "I'll take her," I say holding my arms out to help. Rene breathes out a relief as she hands Ellie to me. "Hey, you look cute," she tells me as she hugs me. I give her a thanks and cuddle Ellie further in to me. "You a little sleep fighter aren't you? Yeah you are. But Aunt D is here now. You'll be out like a light," I talk to her as I sway her in my arms and pat her bottom. This is the way I use to get Sarah to sleep in no time.
In less than five minutes she's asleep. James comes in from the garage talking loudly. Rene catches him with a death glare and points at me swaying the baby. He drops his volume to a whisper, "great, now put her in the car seat and let's go." Gently I put her in her seat and buckle her carefully. She stirs but quiets back with a sshhh. We all find our spots in their van and drive the short distance to the station where we'll park and then walk. 
   Chris isn't at the station or I would run in and say hi. He text me earlier to let me know he drew the short straw and would be walking the parade route instead of driving so I know he's already over at the high school where the parade starts.
  We walk along the sidewalk passing a few craft tables and food trucks. Deciding on a spot in front of the bank, James sets the chairs down.

Daphne- just wanted to let you know we've got a spot in front of the bank.

Chris- I'll see if I can find you when we come by.

Daphne- I'm wearing the Panthers hoodie you gave me. Look for that.

Chris- I bet you're hot.

Daphne- no, I'm comfortable.

Chris- not what I meant babe lol

Daphne- 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄☺️ I'll let you be the judge of that.

Chris- can't wait xoxo

I tuck my phone back into my purse. Sarah curls up in my lap while Ellie is asleep in the stroller. She looks up at me, "is Uncle Chris coming?"
I toss a look over to James and Rene who just shrug their shoulders. "He's in the parade sweetie," I tell her as I push her hair back out of her face. "Why do you call him Uncle Chris?"
"Well, you're Aunt Daphne and then there's Uncle Ollie and Aunt Hazel. I figure he's Uncle Chris. Is that okay?" The little girl asks me.
"I suppose so. He's use to being called Uncle since he has two nephews. Hey, maybe you'll meet them soon and have new friends to play with."  Satisfied enough by my answer she turns to face the road as we start to hear the sounds of the parade start.

Ellie manages to stay asleep until the Shriners come whizzing by in their little cars. Thankfully though she's in a much better mood although she's not a fan of the noise canceling headphones we placed on her while she slept. We watch the Shriners do figure eights without running into each other before they move along to the next section.
Sarah happily catches candy from the different floats going by. I even spot a couple of my students on the Pop Warner football floats. They wave and call out to me. I know they're going to bend my ear on Monday about all of the excitement.
  Suddenly there are sirens going off as you see all of the children around you gasp and point. "It's Santa!" Ellie yells pointing and  jumping up and down.
  The truck is flanked on either side by several members of Station 6, but I only have eyes for one. I can see he's looking through the crowd trying to find me. His eyes brighten as he spots me. As he gets closer to our area he reaches his hand out for me to hold if only for a moment. I grasp it but let go just as quickly. When I bring my hand back I see he has placed a Hershey's Kiss in my hand. Looking back at him I see he's turned and is walking backwards in order to see my reaction. I blow him a kiss in return.


Chris POV

  The parade route ends in the parking lot of the grocery store. Those of us from the station find our place on the truck and head back to the firehouse.   
   Thankfully this is the end of my shift since I was here all night. I'll help the guys wash down the truck and then enjoy the rest of the day with Daphne. I decide to shoot her a text and let her know the plan.

Chris- I'm headed back to the station now. I've got to wash the rig and then I'll be done.

Daphne- I figured you went to the North Pole with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Chris- they tried to make me an elf but said I was just too tall.

Daphne- you're such a goober

Chris- I'm your goober though. I'll see you in 30?

Daphne- 😉 ❤️

  I help clean up the truck and rig before heading to get my bag from the lockers. Grabbing the bag I head out to my truck to toss it in before heading to meet Daphne. Walking out I whistle a little tune, off in my own world when I hear a familiar voice call out.
"Hey hot stuff," the female voice says.

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