December Part 3

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Daphne POV

"You're crazy, you know that right," Chris tells me as he sits next to me on the couch.
"I don't see the big deal?" I had just informed him of my genius idea for my classes Christmas sing-along.
He gave me this look as if to ask if I was really oblivious to what I just asked him to do. "You want us to swing dance in front of your whole school?"
"Technically it's only the kindergarten classes and their parents. We're talking about thirty seconds of embarrassment. I do way more embarrassing things in one day with my babies," I inform him with an eye roll.
He looks at me and sighs. I know I've won but I contain the smirk attempting to reveal itself. "I'll see what I can do. I'll talk to the chief and see if I can duck out for a half hour, but I can't promise anything. If I'm there I'll do it. But, if I'm not then you have to promise me you won't be upset with me."
I tap my chin with my finger to give the illusion that I'm trying to decide whether or not to hold it against him. "Hmm..." I start. "Guess it's a good thing I have a back up plan then," I say. "I mean, the back up plan is pretty boring in comparison to seeing you shake those hips of yours."
  "Personally, I'd rather only shake these hips for you," he tells me as he pulls my legs up onto his lap. He sweetly takes my shoes off and begins to massage my aching feet. I give in to the pleasure and lay back fully on the couch.
  I begin to relax completely as he moves from my feet to my calves. "Before you fall asleep over there can we finish hashing out the details for Christmas?"
  "You said your sisters are coming down right?"
"They're coming in with the boys and staying at my brothers at the beach," he reminds me.
  Thinking about how we can make the most out of our day I ask, "do y'all normally do your meal at lunch or dinner? Because we like to do a huge breakfast, gifts and then just chill out the rest of the day."
  "If we do breakfast with your family and lunch with mine then you and I could spend the evening together just the two of us?" He asks but it sounds more like he's telling me.  "Definitely a full day but I think we can make it work," I say.
  "Now, the bigger question," he starts. "What do you want to do for dinner?"


  The day of the sing along came. Daphne sat with her students awaiting their turn. She kept an eye on the door, hoping to see Chris walk in. She requested for her class to go last to give him as much time as possible. But, unfortunately she realized the class would have to go with plan B.
  The kids sang their little hearts out! They did their best with all of the motions and their faces just beamed. With the program complete, the parents followed their children back to the classroom for the Christmas party.
  Daphne had ordered pizzas for the kids to have for lunch. They had not been delivered yet so she let the children start their rotations for crafts. While the kids were busy and the parents were helping she stepped aside to check her phone for any missed texts from Chris. Her heart sank when there were none. Trying not to worry, she puts a smile back on her face and rejoins the kids.
  "Ms. Jeffries," a voice comes over the intercoms. "Your pizzas are in the office. We'll have someone bring them down." 
  "Alright friends! Let's clean up and prepare for lunch. My helpers can you wipe down the tables and pass out napkins?" The kids start moving around the room. "Thank you friends!" 
  Once the kids are settled back at their tables that door opens. In walks Hayden carrying the pizzas and behind him is Chris carrying a dozen red roses.  Before Daphne can react one of the students recognizes the men. "Hey! You're the rescue people!" She shouts. "Thanks for the pizza," another yells. "But what's with the roses? Ms. Jeffries, is that your boyfriend?" little Aiden asks.
  Daphne's eyes grow wide as she glances over at all of the parents who are grinning at her. She starts to chuckle, "umm...". Thankfully a parent comes to her rescue, "who's ready for pizza?"

Chris POV

  I can't help but smile at seeing Daphne flustered. I know it's not just because of the flowers but more so the reaction of her students. I lean over to Hayden "maybe I didn't think this through as well as I thought." 
  "Your two faces match the fire truck right now. Don't know that I've seen you this color before," he laughs slapping me on the shoulder.
  I see a parent offer to serve the pizza to the kids so Daphne can come over. My girl is so flustered she's walking over to me with her hands on her cheeks trying to lessen the heat they're holding. "Uh, hi," she says simply. She takes the flowers from my hand and sets them on her desk. I don't want to overstep any boundaries for her so I don't reach out for her in any way but instead just return her smile and hello.
  "What are you guys doing here?" She asks us still in shock.
  "I couldn't get away in time for the program but wanted to make it up to you," I tell her. "We can't stay long at all but I couldn't handle the thought that you might be mad at me."
  "I wasn't mad. I was more worried about what might have happened.  Thank you so much for putting my mind at ease, Chris," she says as she walks Hayden and I over to the door. We wave a goodbye to the kids on our way out. Daphne hangs at the door for a moment with just her head poking out. "Love you," she says quietly. "Love you too babe.  I'll see you tonight," I tell her.
  We head back towards the parking lot, stopping at the office in order to sign out and turn in our visitor badge.  "Gentlemen," the principal says as she spots us at the computer. "Was there another community helper program today?" The question sounds loaded but I catch the raised eyebrow and side smile. I also remember what Daphne told me what  the principal said to her after the homecoming parade. "Just helping out with a delivery," I say returning her smile. "I'm sure Ms. Jeffries appreciates it. Merry Christmas gentlemen," she tells us as we head out to the parking lot.

I climb into the rig and get it running. We are heading back to the station when Hayden asks a question that I know he's been holding back from.
"So, I'm guessing this thing with you two are serious?" He asks.
I decide to not give in easily. "What makes you ask that?"
Hayden scoffs, "I don't know many guys that would go out of their way just to make sure his girl isn't mad at him for something out of his control."
"Nothing wrong with giving your girlfriend flowers," I tell him.
"Dude, you said I love you. How many other girls have you said that to?"
"One, and she cheated on me."
He looks at me like he doesn't believe me. "No way. Come on man. Guys tell girls they love them to get stuff from them."
"I didn't peg you for a jerk, Hayden," I say as I can't believe what he just said.
"You never said it to a girl to get to the next base?"
I'm floored. I mean I had friends pull that crap in high school but this is a grown man. "Tell me you don't do that. I don't care if you did it in the past, but please tell me you don't behave that way now."
"Not in the last couple months anyway," he tells me.
I can't stop my eyes from rolling. "Well, while you hop from girl to girl and bed to bed I've built a foundation with Daphne. You asked if we were serious?" Hayden nods. "I started paying on a ring after Thanksgiving." His eyes grow wide.
"Man, that was fast," is all he can manage to say.
"When you love someone the way I love Daphne any length of time feels agonizingly slow," I tell him.
  "But, wait. You're telling me you're ready to propose but you've not been with one another sexually? What if it's awful with her? That's a lifetime of bad sex," he complains.
  I'm starting to fight that punching urge again. 'He's your partner Chris, you can't lay him out,' I remind myself. Instead I take a deep breath. "I know it won't be horrible because I love and respect her. Now," I say as I pull into the station, "change the subject or you'll be cleaning the rig on your own."

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