September 10 Community Helpers

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  "Who is ready for Fun Friday?" Daphne called out to her students once they had all gathered on the rug for circle time. It was around 11:30 am. By this point in the day the students had recited the Pledge of Allegiance, listened to the announcements, music class, recess had three rotations through their centers. "For today's Fun Friday we are going to start with having a picnic lunch out at the bus loop. Can anyone tell me what we might find at the bus loop today?"

  A little girl with pigtails raised her hand begging to be called on. Daphne pointed in the girls direction. "Buses?" answered the little girl. Smiling sweetly at the little girl, Daphne answered, "not quite. Remember you've been learning about community helpers the last few weeks? Well today, after our picnic lunch we are going to personally meet some of our very own community helpers!"

  All of the small children jumped up and down squealing in excitement, something Daphne always loved about teaching the small kindergarteners. Everything, even the mundane things like a classroom job, filled them with joy. It always made Daphne's heart smile to see their faces filled with happiness.

   Ms. Jeffries class lined up and began their single file march toward the bus loop area. "Remember we are quiet as..." Daphne asked the students. Quietly they whispered back, "mice." 

   The community helpers were not there quite yet but would be coming during the lunch to set up. Since this event was for all of the kindergartners there would be a total of six classes coming by over the course of the next two hours. Daphne's class just happened to be the first group. 

  There was an ever so slight breeze making its way across the campus.  The students sat around the edge of the curb at the bus loop, several raising their hands to indicate they needed help opening something or inserting their straw into their juice box. Since Daphne was still in her brace she couldn't quite get down on their level so she called each one over to her so that she could assist them.  She chose to lean up against a pillar while eating her lunch.

   With about ten minutes remaining of the classes lunch they began seeing the helpers pull in to the bus loop.  One of the students yelled out that it looked like a small caravan of helpers. Daphne just winked at the little boy with a smile. Leading the "caravan" was a police car, then a fire truck and finally an ambulance. 

   Around this time the principal came out to welcome them to the school. She first showed each driver where to park so there would be plenty of room between each one for the students to look around the vehicles. During this time Daphne's class cleaned up, threw away their trash, and placed their lunchboxes off to the side along the brick wall.  She grouped the students into three groups of six and reminded them to use their manners.

   The principal began asking the students if they knew what each helpers job was. The children raised their hands in anticipation of being called on.

   After identifying each one the principal then asked the helpers to introduce themselves to the class. She then walked over to speak with Daphne while the children were occupied listening to the men and women in uniform. "How are you feeling after being back this week?" she asked Daphne.

  Daphne has managed to keep her pain in check but it had definitely progressed as the week went on. She hated for people to see her weak so she just grins and bares it until she gets in her car to drive home. That's when she gives in and let's the tears consume her. She refuses to let her boss know she's suffering. "I'm doing okay," she answers all the while hoping that she is putting on a convincing performance.  The principal looks pleased enough by the short response and turns her gaze back towards the children.

  Daphne breathes a sigh of relief realizing she must've been convincing enough, as she sees the introductions have made their way to the paramedics. Her breath catches as her eyes land on Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.  She tries to lean in a bit so she can hear their introduction but all of a sudden she hears one of the boys cry out. As quickly as she can she reaches him to find out what's wrong. "A bee stung me!" Aiden cried out. "It's alright, sweetheart," Daphne consoles him. The principal walks over and offers to watch her class while she takes him to the school nurse. She tells Daphne that even though the medic could help she'd rather it be documented within the school records.  Wrapping her arm around the small boy's shoulder they begin walking towards the office.


  "Alright, looks like our little friend is in good hands now. Please, continue," the principal told the paramedics.

   "I'm Hayden and this is Chris.  We are called paramedics. We drive around in our ambulance giving you the care you might need if you are ever injured," Hayden tells the class. 
   Chris took a couple of steps closer to the class. "Has anyone ever rode in an ambulance before?" he asked the children. All of the kids shook their head no but then the principal said, " but you do know someone who rode in an ambulance not that long ago. Remember the first day of school? Mrs. Jeffries was in a car accident and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance."

  Chris was taken aback. Jeffries. He remembered that name. He remembered the officer yelling it out as they loaded the gurney onto the rig. He remembered asking the nurse about how she was doing later that day. Again he heard that name while eating lunch at The Chicken House. He was intrigued. Could she work here at the school? 

  While Chris was lost in his thoughts the principal had ushered each group of students over to each vehicle for a closer look. He composed himself and opened the back of the rig so the students could get a better look. They each took turns climbing in to the rig as Chris showed them things such as the oxygen tanks and where they kept the items needed for IVs. 

  By the time the last group from the class came to Hayden and Chris, Daphne was finally back with Aiden. Poor Aiden has missed two rotations already so she asked him specifically where he'd like to go. "I want to go to the ambulance," he sniffled. "You've got it friend," Daphne said as she led him over to the driver side of the ambulance as Hayden was showing the kids all of the buttons and controls.
   Hayden recognized Daphne from the football game the week before. "Hey! You're Ollie's sister, right?" he asked her.  Daphne chuckled as she realized her dumb brother never officially introduced them. "Yes, I'm Daphne," she told Hayden.

   They walked the group of students to the back of the rig where Chris was waiting. "Mrs. Jeffries! Is this like the ambulance you rode in after your accident?" Aiden questioned her.

  Chris's head popped up as he heard the name again. The name, that for whatever reason, had been stuck in his brain for weeks. He looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him. He didn't notice earlier that she was wearing a brace on her leg, the principal had stood in front of her while they spoke. 

  As Daphne contemplates how exactly to answer this question without truly letting the children know that she had been in and out of consciousness, another student asks Chris what would he do for someone who skint their knee. Relief washes over Daphne as she silently thanks the child for the interruption. That is until she hears the calming voice come from the man sitting in the rig as he describes in detail what they do for skint knees.

  'That voice. I've heard it before.' She thought. By now the kids are begging her to climb into the rig as well. She glances over at Hayden and then back at her leg. "We can put you on the gurney," Hayden offers. The children are thrilled and yell their excitement with a resounding YEAH! 
Chris jumps out of the rig and together he and Hayden lower the gurney. Carefully, and embarrassed, Daphne sits on the gurney. She covers her face with her hand as she is both blushing from being shy and embarrassed, as they lift her into the rig. Chris goes back to his side of the area.

  "What do you say to someone to keep them calm?" a little girl asked.

  "First, if their unconscious I'll ask them to squeeze my hand.  If they can then I'll reassure them that we're going to take care of them and that everything will be alright," Chris answered while casting a glance at Daphne.

   A lightbulb went off in Daphne's brain. The calming voice from that horrific day. The voice she heard telling her she was going to be okay. The voice that she heard while drifting off to sleep in the hospital. The hand she squeezed in the ambulance. They both belonged to Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome.

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