October: Mood Swings

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Daphne POV

Today's the day I can start taking this so called miracle medication. I barely slept last night. Not because Chris was at the station for an overnight shift, or because Dodger snored louder than usual. No, my anxiety was up. If this medicine doesn't cause me to ovulate then I have no chance of conceiving a child the natural way, and IVF would then be on the table. Or adoption. Or surrogacy. And this is why I didn't sleep, my brain refusing to shut off. Even now as I look in our medicine cabinet I can feel it rising again. I see the ovulation test strips and pregnancy tests I no longer hide from Chris. Around them are vitamins and basal thermometers. And right in the middle of all of it is the one weeks worth of medication that is suppose to change it all.

My stomach tightens and my palms feel clammy. This shouldn't be this hard. Just open the bottle, pull out a pill, swallow and move on about your day. My hand finally reaches into the cabinet and lifts the bottle from its space.


I'm startled by the sound of his voice, knowing he shouldn't be home for another thirty minutes. "In here," I call out to him. Chris rounds the corner, still in his uniform. "What are you doing here so early?"

He leans against the counter, just off to my side, crossing his arms over his chest. "Will came in early and Meridian is off today, so, I figured why not."

"I hope you don't get in trouble for that."

"I wanted to be here when you took the medicine," he reveals.

"It's not immediate you know," I laugh out.

"Did you already take the ovulation test this morning?"

"I did, no change."

Chris turns and fills the cup we keep by the sink with water from the faucet. "Bottoms up, babe."

I take a deep breath and nod in agreeance. "To our future." I raise the glass in cheers. After placing the pill on my tongue I gulp down the water.

Chris brings me in front of him, resting me between his legs, and holds me tightly, rubbing my back. "You finish getting ready for work and I'll make your coffee." I pull back from him, only slightly, in order to give him a sweet but lingering kiss.

"I love you, Christopher."

"I love you more, Daph."


Day two of meds and so far I'm still feeling the same, along with negative ovulation tests. I didn't think it would happen overnight, but let's face it, I was hopeful for a change.

Chris is off today and has offered to bring me lunch up to the school. It's not something that happens often anymore so I'll gladly accept it any chance I get.

I walk my class to the lunchroom and see that handsome man of mine standing by the double doors waiting for me. I recognize that to go bag and am instantly thankful for the glorious chicken sandwich I know it contains. That large sweet tea may even make my heart pitter patter too. What can I say, I like my food.

"Hey gorgeous," he greets me once the kids are safely in the cafeteria. "Handsome, " I reply before taking the tea from his outstretched hand.

"How's the day been?" he asks as we walk back down to my classroom.

"Pretty typical, I suppose. Kids are excited for Halloween, even though we're still three weeks away." He walks ahead of me to open the door for me.

"How are you feeling?"

"About the same. No reactions at this point," I tell him. "However I am thankful tomorrow is Friday."

"I managed to convince Meridian to let me take days for the next week, so I'll be home every night."

"Really? Are you serious?" I suddenly want to cry, and apparently that's exactly what my eyes start doing.

"So we'll both be at family dinner tomorrow too then?" He smiles back at me with a nod of his head, "yup."

I can't help but pull him into a tight hug.


Friday is finally here. Chris is now on days for at least the next week. I have another negative ovulation test but continue to take my meds. "Cheers to day 3," I tell my reflection in the mirror before downing it in one gulp.

   Chris has already left for the day but will be off by the time I get home. I'm hoping for a quick work day.

   Of course things never go as I hope. I receive an email at 1:45 telling us we have a mandatory training that starts at 3 pm and to prepare for a minimum hour long presentation.

Me- I may have to meet you at mom and dads.

Chris- what's going on?

Me- they just told us we have a meeting after work. I just want to go home and be with you.

Chris- it's just a little longer. You can make it.

Me- whether or not I can make it isn't the question. I don't want to. Why is that so hard for you to understand.

Chris POV

   And there it is, side effect number one, mood swings. Let's approach this carefully.

Me- I get it babe, I do. Changing things up last minute is not fun.

Daphne- thank you. I just wanted a little compassion Chris.

Me- sorry my love.

   I have nothing to be sorry for, but I'm not gonna actually mention that to a woman whose body is now raging with hormones like never before.

Daphne- I'll call you when I can leave, if I don't quit before then.

   I decide not to answer her after that one. That's another can of worms that I want no part of.

Once my shift ends I head home and decide to do something nice for Daphne. I unload the dishwasher and reload it. I don't run it since there's not enough for a full load. Then I grab the cleaning products and clean the bathroom. I even change the sheets on the bed and start a load of laundry.

At 4:30 Daphne finally calls to tell me she's on her way and to just wait at the house for her.
   "I'm sorry," I tell her. "I was just trying to do something nice for you. I knew you'd had a rough day so I thought coming home to a clean house would be nice.

   We're on our way to Daphne's parents for dinner, and I'm getting reamed for not loading the dishwasher the way she likes.

   "I just don't understand. How difficult is it to rinse the dishes over completely before loading them in the dishwasher.

   This is complete insanity, but I'll keep that to myself. "I'll be sure to clean them before I put them in the dishwasher, ok?"

   Daphne whips her head to the side, glaring at me. "Don't sound so condescending, Chris. You really don't have to talk down to me."

   Biting my tongue is getting increasingly more difficult. "I didn't mean to come across that away."

   I take a chance and place my hand on her thigh as we pull into her parents driveway. As soon as the car is in park she's leaning across the cab of the truck, pulling me into a deep, desperate kiss.

   'How many more emotions am I going to witness tonight,' I think to myself.

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