Honeymoon Part 2

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Chris POV

  I begin to feel my body waking up before I'm willing to let my eyes open, for the second time of the night. Part of me is wondering if I dreamt our actions in the five o'clock hour. But, this time when I open my eyes they're flooded with sunlight. The first place they fall are on the woman in bed next to me.

I've never seen a more sexy sight than this one. Daphne's hair is splayed across the pillow, sheets barely covering her bare chest, a single leg laid out on top of the covers. 'Nope, I definitely didn't dream it,' I think to myself wistfully. With a closer look I can almost swear she's sleeping with a smile on her face. I'd love to take her again, right now, but she needs the rest after the events over the last couple of days. Instead I set forth a plan.

  Quietly I take the breakfast tray out onto our balcony trying to not wake Daphne just yet. Apparently you get a little extra special treatment while staying in the honeymoon suite. It was already noon and technically they'd slept through breakfast but the owners told him they could whip up a special brunch for the newlyweds.
  Once the table is set I decide it's time to wake Daphne. I know she's going to be sore but I'll suggest she take a soak in the tub after we eat.

I squat next to the bed on her side. I brush the few strands of hair off of her cheek. On instinct she tries to follow my touch but I meet her again by resting my hand on her face, cupping her cheek. "Are you going to wake up and join me, Mrs. Evans?"
Now I know the smile across her face is not being done in her sleep. "Mmm.." she hums. "So it wasn't a dream then?"
I shake my head from side to side before capturing her lips with mine. "No ma'am, Mrs. Evans."
Daphne opens her eyes and stretches her body with a quiet moan. "Keep doing that and I'll forget about the surprise I have for you," I tell her.
"What are you up to now?" She asks as she sits up, tightening the sheet across her chest.
I stand back up and retrieve the shirt and underwear we discarded in the middle of the night. "You may need these," I tell her bringing the clothes over to her. "At least for now." I can't help but smirk as a blush crosses her cheeks.
"I'm sure I need pants too," she tells me.
She's shocked when I tell her no. "My shirt covers you pretty well. Come on," I say taking her hand and helping her out of bed.

  I lead her onto our private balcony as she's tugging on the bottom of the shirt in an attempt to make it longer. "You're fine, I promise," I tell her with a chuckle. I pull her seat back from the table for her to sit.
  The sun is already high as the sky is a bright blue filled with large puffy clouds. It's a picture perfect spring day.
  As Daphne gets comfortable I lift the lid off of our meal to reveal a tray of stuffed French toast, an egg casserole along with an array of fruit. I pour our coffee from the carafe and fix Daphne's the way she likes it. "Here Ya go, wifey," I say handing it over to her.
  She playfully rolls her eyes at me. "Have you always been such a goober?"
  "Yep. And you love me for it," I say with a wink as I settle next to her.

  After we say grace we dive in, having not realized how hungry we actually were until this moment. We may have been too busy feeding other desires and pushed the need for food aside.

  "So," Daphne starts. "What was your favorite part of yesterday?" She takes another bite of her French toast.
  "Just one?" I ask. She nods her head but I return it with a shake. "There wasn't just one favorite."

  She sits back in the seat, pulling her legs under her, sipping on her coffee. "Ok. Let's narrow it down then. Favorite part of the ceremony?"
  Again I think this is impossible. "I've got at least two for that alone. First, was seeing you for the first time yesterday. When you looked up at me I just lost it. Then I'd have to say the surprise of you giving me your ring. I was floored. Can't believe you kept that secret from me."

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