Chapter 19: The Photo

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~Marco's POV~

Thankfully, Chase didn't try anything in P.E. again. Kai, Noah, and I had all stood around Violet, guarding her like a protective shield throughout the whole class. Of course, she complained saying over and over again that she could take care of herself.

Our current unit for P.E. was badminton and we paired up the same as our photography pairs, much to Violet's dismay.

But, I don't think it bothered her that much. I saw her smiling every now and then when we beat another pair of players. Just like me, she was extremely competitive and the only way to play a game for her was to win. Another quality I liked about her.

It was adorable how competitive she was. Sometimes, I would miss the birdie on purpose just so I could get her annoyed enough to yell at me for being, and I quote, "an incompetent imbecile."

"Okay! You did that on purpose!" she yelled at me, pointing her racket at me, accusingly.

"I have no idea what you mean," I said as innocently as I could.

She glared at me.


"Alright! Listen up! The shower bell's about to ring and so put your rackets away and the two teams on the loser's court have to undo the nets and put the poles away too. That's your punishment for being so awful at badminton," Coach Bostik called out from his table.

Violet and I were on the winner's court and so we just put our rackets and bird away. Kai and Noah, on the other hand, were in the loser's court and had to go the extra mile of taking down and putting away the nets.

The shower bell rang and I went to the boys' locker room sending a smug grin to Kai and Noah who were still putting away the nets. Noah flipped me off and I laughed.

I had already changed back into my regular clothes when Noah and Kai entered the changing room.

"You're fine with dropping me and Violet at my house?" I asked Noah as I opened my phone ready to text Violet.

"Yeah, of course. I'm dropping off Kai at his house too so it's gonna be a party car," Noah responded with a laugh.

I texted Violet to meet us at Noah's car and she didn't bother responding.


"Sooo, you guys are working on a project all alone at your house, huh?" Kai said, shoving my shoulder a bit.

"Trust me when I say that's all we'll be doing. She won't let anything else happen and I don't wanna get a broken nose from trying," I said as we stood up and started walking to the parking lot.

Noah laughed a loud, long laugh at that.

"Dude? You good?" I asked Noah who had finally calmed down.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I mean, I was just imagining your face with a broken nose because a girl is actually repulsed by you enough to break your nose after you made a move on her," Noah explained while trying to suppress another laugh.

"I wouldn't say she's 'repulsed' by me," I said rather quietly.

"Of course not, bro. You're irresistible," Kai said, slapping a hand onto my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes.

We'll see.


When Noah's car came into view, we saw Violet leaning against the front of the car, arms and legs crossed as she looked at her phone, furiously texting.    

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