Chapter 14: Arm Wrestling

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~Marco's POV~

Tuesday came and went and I didn't say a single word to her. You might be wondering why.

Honestly, I just wanted to see what she was like when she wasn't threatening to punch me all the time.

And then, I ended up getting entranced by just seeing her talk with Kai and Noah and walk around campus taking pictures.

But now that Wednesday had arrived, I knew I was going to have to talk to her because I had two classes where I sat next to her. Just her.

When I walked into literature that morning, my heart dropped when I didn't see her sitting in the corner, looking out the window.

"Are you just gonna stand in the doorway and not let anyone in?" a voice from behind asked. I could recognize that sass anywhere.

I turned around to see Violet standing behind me leaning against the door frame. She looked like a model. Like yesterday, my eyes drifted to her necklace, curious. Monday, she had worn a small pink heart necklace. Tuesday, she had worn a silver metal outlined in the shape of a heart. And now, she wore what looked to be mother of pearl in the shape of a heart.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked as she scoffed then shoved my arm with her shoulder as she passed.

Oh, she must've thought I was staring at her breasts. That's not great since I was trying to convince her I'm not that guy. But I thought it would be pretty weird to say I was looking at her necklace and wondering if there was any significance to the heart-shaped pendants.

Yup. Definitely weird.

I made my way to the back of the class and sat beside her.

Surprisingly, the literature teacher, Mrs. Coyle walked in.

The class erupted into applause at her arrival.

"Yes, I'm back. No need to worry. Though I don't think many of you did because from what I heard you got to act upon the fifteen-minute rule," she said with a laugh.

Even I smiled at that remark. But only because it brought to mind the hallway incident with Violet.

I looked over to see her stone face. However, unless it was just the trick of the light, I could have sworn I saw some red creeping up in those adorable cheeks.

Mrs. Coyle went on to explain that her wife's dad had a heart attack and they had to get him to a hospital, and since her wife's car was in a repair shop, they had to use her car, and she had left her phone at school, and only got to call the school twenty minutes after fourth period started, and when the faculty came to the room, all the kids were already gone with a sloppy whiteboard message of: IT'S FIFTEEN PAST Y'ALL!!

The class laughed at that and Ryan smiled pridefully. Then a few of the goody-too-shoo students asked about how her stepfather was and that went on for like twenty minutes.

And when she actually started teaching class, she just gave us work time on our Scarlet Letter Essay. And I didn't get a chance to talk to Violet at all because the teacher called her out into the hall to talk about how she was going to read the book then start an essay right away. Seemed a little unfair to me, but I'd ask her what they'd decided was most logical in chemistry class.

And just my luck, we didn't get a chance to talk in that class either because it was a busy work day that day and Mr. Harrison was on a teaching storm that period. I was internally sighing all throughout chem.

When the bell finally rang, Violet was already on her way out of the class.

"Hey, Violet, wait up!" I called after her.

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