Chapter 17: Symbolism

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~Marco's POV~

"What'd you think of the book?"

"What'd you think of the book?"

"I asked you first."

"Wow. What a mature response."

"You started it, Highness," I pointed out.

"Oh wow! That's even better, Romeo," Violet said as she laughed.

"Are you kids working or chit-chatting?" Mrs. Coyle asked from beside me.

"Working. Honestly, I didn't know how many symbols there were in The Scarlet letter! Such examples of symbols we have found include: the letter A, Pearl, dark vs. light meaning sun vs. shadow, colors like red and black–"

"Alright! Just, do your work, please," Mrs. Coyle said as she walked away shaking her head in irritation.

"Give her a break, would yah? Her father–in–law is still in the hospital," I said, pretending to scold Violet.

"Hey, I was just answering her question," she said and turned back to the book and flipped through some pages.

"Whatever," I said as I also got back to looking at the book for more symbols.

"Where are you going for tutorial?" I asked her.

Tutorial was a 'class' we had on Wednesdays and Fridays. It was where students got a whole 45 minutes during school to go to any teacher's class and do work. It's great for students who never do their work, but it's such a waste for those who do.

"I don't know. I was going to text Lilli and ask her where she was headed," she said, still sifting through the book. 

"So, when will we work on our science project?" I asked.

"Oh! Shit! I forgot about that!" she said putting her hand to her mouth, "I haven't even started it!"

"Uh, yeah. It's a partner project. That means you don't have to do it all," I pointed out.

"Funny," she said.

"I guess you have no choice but to go with our original plan of working on it at my house," I said with a smirk.

She sighed.

"...I guess. We could get it done a lot faster like that anyway," she admitted though it looked like she was still against it and regretted saying that.

But before she could change her mind, the bell rang.

I put away my book and notes on symbols into my binder then waited for Violet. I saw she was calling someone, and I assumed it was Lilliana.

"Lilli! Where are you going for tutorial?"


I ended up going to the library which was surprisingly not overpopulated to the max with students. There, I just did my math homework until 45 minutes passed.

After the bell rang and I made my way to chemistry.

When I got there, Violet was already in her seat writing something down. When I got close enough, I saw her textbook was open to the periodic table and on her paper, she was writing down notes on the four elements we were assigned.

"Getting a head start, I see," I said as I sat down.

"Honestly, I should have started this the day we got the assignment, my mind has just been in so many places lately, I forgot about it," she admitted.

"It's okay. I have no plans after school and I already did all my homework so we can start right when we get to my house," I informed her.

"Me too," she said, smiling lightly at the textbook.

As she leaned over the textbook, I caught a clear view of her necklace. Again, it was some sort of black stone in the shape of a heart. Her red crop long-sleeve shirt had buttons near the cut and a few of them were undone enough to be a bad girl, but not enough to be a super bad girl. She was also wearing high-waisted black jeans with black high heels. 

It was another busy day in chemistry where the teacher lectured about bonds between elements and made us do practice comprehension worksheets.

When the bell rang, I was so happy that the class was over and I could actually talk to Violet.

"I never asked what Mrs. Lane had to talk to you about after class yesterday," I said as we walked out of class together.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Shit!" she exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"I forgot something at home that I need for..." she said trailing off.

"Well, just drive there during lunch right now to get it," I pointed out. Easy.

"No! Lilli drove me to school today and she's probably already left to get food and I have no way of driving there," she said, putting her head into her hands.

"Well, Noah has a car. Maybe he can drive you," I suggested.

She snapped her head back up to me with a surprised smile, like all hope wasn't lost.

"You're right! And he'd never say no to me. Come on!" she said as she grabbed my arm and tugged me into a run.

We ran all the way to the spot and when we got there, Violet didn't waste a second.

"Noah! I need you to drive me to my house! I forgot something there that I need for later today!" she said hurriedly, bouncing on her feet. 

"Okay, sure. Just calm down," he said with a laugh grabbing his backpack as he got to his feet.

"No! My house isn't that close and by the time we drive there, go inside, and drive back, it's going to be late! But not too late if you hurry the hell up," she said, dragging him away.

"Bye guys!" Noah called out before he broke into a run and they ran to the parking lot.

"What was that about?" Kai asked, confusion on his face.

"I have no idea," I replied.

"Women," Kai stated, shaking his head.

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