Chapter 11: First, Homework.

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~Marco's POV~

"So, what happened?" Kai asked as we walked to Noah's car.

"Did she forgive you?" Noah questioned as he opened the door to the driver's seat.

"Shotgun!" I called and raced toward the passenger's door.

"Ugh! You dick," Kai muttered under his breath.

Noah pulled out of the driveway and started driving to my house. He didn't want to go to his house right away because he wanted to stay himself a little while longer and Kai wanted to play video games so we decided on my house.

"Yeah. She actually forgave me," I said. Even saying it out loud, it still sounded unreal. She shouldn't have forgiven me.

She's too good for me.

So, why did she accept my apology? It can't be just because I called her "pretty." I'm sure hundreds of people have told her that.

"Great! So, Romeo, huh?" Kai teased.

I smiled.

"And If I heard correctly, you called her 'Princess', right?" Kai continued when I didn't respond.

"Shut up," I said as I threw my backpack over my shoulder toward him. Because he wasn't expecting that, it actually hit him in the stomach before he could catch it.

"Hey! What was that for?" Kai groaned and from beside me, Noah was laughing up a storm.

"For fun," I answered with a laugh of my own.

Our mindless conversation continued from there where we mostly just complained about our teachers and school overall.

When Noah pulled up into my driveway, we all got out of the car and walked towards the front door. My house was a large modern styled home. It wasn't one of those glass everywhere on the outside modern types, but more white paint with gray stone vibe and completely modernized on the inside. Palms, trees, gravel, eco-friendly lights...

"Are your parents still away?" Noah asked while I unlocked the door with my keys.

I scoffed.

"Is that even a question?" I retorted back as we headed inside my house.

I lived completely alone. I lived in this huge expensive house by myself. ...Like I had all my life. You see, my parents... let's just say they don't get along well. I don't think I've ever seen them kiss before. My dad comes from a wealthy Italian family and my mom came from a wealthy Italian family. Match made in heaven. I think they were in love once, but that was a long time ago. I was practically raised by nannies. Dad, if you could even call him that, was always away for work. And mom, if you could even call her that, was never around. She was off living her life away from my father. She comes to visit much more than my dad does though. I don't really look that Italian either. Well, at least I didn't think so.

"Marco! Do you have any snacks?" Kai shouted from what I assumed to be the kitchen.

"I don't know! If you find something, you find something!" I shouted back as I made my way with Noah to the kitchen.

"First, homework. Then, T.V." Noah planned as he sat down at the dining room table and started to pull out his homework.

"Yes, Mom," Kai mocked. I knew Kai was secretly happy that someone cared enough to make sure he completed his homework though.

All three of us come from very different backgrounds, but when it comes to parental issues, we all have that in common.

Noah's parents were as white as they got. Though they weren't the richest people ever, they lived nicely in their Victorian-styled home. They went to country clubs (that Noah normally dragged me to) and were not open to anything in the LGBTQ community. They were better with race though, but I always got the feeling like his parents would rather not have their son constantly hanging out with his Italian and Japanese best friends.

Kai's parents were not your stereotypical Asian parents that hover over every inch of your life and force you to get straight As. Though they did care about his education, his parents were both doctors and were constantly on call in the hospital. They wanted to be able to pay for Kai to get everything he wanted in life, but they didn't know that he really just wanted to see them more often. His parents were great. They're super nice and a great loving couple, but though they live in the same house, they rarely see their son.

And I've already said enough about my parents for you to get a good sense of them. Never around, don't care, don't love each other... or me.

So to sum up, we had Noah's parents that care about every little detail towards having the perfect son, Kai's parents who love him and each other, though were never around due to their medical jobs, and my parents who were rich freaks that didn't care about their kid at all.

But I was fine. I didn't need them. I did my homework and got good grades so that I don't have to rely on their money when I'm older. That way, I could start a life of my own. Kai did his work to please his hardworking parents, but sometimes lacks the motivation to go the full 100%. And Noah, his parents needed the perfect straight-A student to brag about.

We may have been the "bad boys" of school (and every school for that matter), and we may have liked to party and wreak havoc and date around a lot, but we took school seriously no matter what we had people believe.

As young Kai would put it: "We're the three musketeers!"

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