Chapter 3: Romeo, Romeo

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~Marco's POV~

I walked into American Literature Honors in a good mood. I had just seen the new girl take down Jason The Giant in one swift movement after all. My mood brightened more when I saw who was sitting in my usual spot in the classroom.

The new girl.

She was sitting in the left-back corner of the class, looking out the window at the mountains. The best view in the class. The mountains – not her. Although...

I walked over to her, but she wasn't paying attention to what was happening around her. Her head was resting on her right hand while her elbow was propped up on the desk as she stared out towards the far away mountains.

"You're in my seat," I said simply.

"This class does not have assigned seats. I checked. I got here first. This seat's mine now," she replied, not bothering to even look at me.

Okay. Who is this girl? Seriously.

"Fine," I said as I sat down next to her. The desks were made so two people would sit per desk. If I couldn't have my seat, this was the closest thing. Plus, I did get to sit next to her.

That's when she turned to see who I was. She scoffed and turned to face me full-on.

"Ah, Mr. Confident. I remember you," she said, looking me up and down.

I was momentarily stunned. That's my gesture. I'm always the one to look girls up and down. I've never been on the receiving end of a seize-up like the ones I give.

"Alright. Get it over with. Say your pick-up lines and I'll giggle like the luckiest girl in the world to be getting the attention of such an attractive boy," she said sarcastically.

"Just because I'm a guy, doesn't mean I want to flirt with you," I shot back. I'm not used to this. Abort mission.

"Oh, please, Romeo. Don't flatter yourself. Everyone flirts with me. Girls. Boys. Take your pick," she challenged with a devilish smile.

I couldn't help myself. I laughed. "A badass," Noah had said.

"Please, Princess. You know you can't resist my charm." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Likewise," she said, that half smile back on her face.

"So tell me, Princess, are the rumors about you true?" I inquired.

"Are the rumors about you true, Romeo?" she retorted.

"That depends. What have you heard?"

"Nothing yet. But I'm sure I will."

"Touché. If I ask, will you tell the truth?"

"I might. I might not," she warned, locking my gaze with hers. Her eyes were the largest eyes I've ever seen. This close, I could see other colors like yellow and grey in the midst of the hazel. Truly remarkable.

"Did you burn down your last school?"

"Down to the ground," she said slyly. I didn't believe it.

"4.0 GPA?"

"3.8. There's always that one class."

"Is your dad the CEO of Amazon's worldwide consumer stuff?"

"Stuff?" she echoed, raising her eyebrows. But there was some flicker in her eyes I caught when I mentioned her father. Interesting.

"True or false?"


"Can you really speak four languages?"

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