Chapter 8: Laughter

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~Violet's POV~

The second bell (which signaled the beginning of class) rang and I let go of his hand. I didn't even remember hearing the first.

"Crap," Noah said as he threw his head back to look at the ceiling. "I'm sorry I made you late," he added.

I laughed and said, "Don't worry about it. Surprisingly, that's the only class I've been late to today."

I walked out the bathroom door with him. The halls were already empty.

"What's your next class?" he inquired.

"Physical education," I groaned.

"What? No way! Me too!"

"Yay! That means I can just follow you since I have no idea where to go," I admitted.

He laughed.

It's so weird. I had only known him for a total of five minutes and it felt like we had been friends forever.

As we walked, I studied him. He had light blonde hair with light blue eyes that looked gray in the hallway light. He was most definitely attractive and could probably get any guy he wanted. He had that "cool, bad boy" persona in the way he carried himself, but I could see that was all just a disguise. Right now, he looked like a boy. Just a boy who wanted everything to be alright.

"Oh, by the way, who's your P.E. teacher?" he asked.

"Oh, um, I think it's Mr. Bos... um, something."

"Mr. Bostik?" he corrected.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, much louder than intended.

"He's my teacher too!" Noah confirmed.

"Now I won't be the only one getting yelled at for being five minutes late!" I cheered happily.

Then we both started laughing.

We were still laughing when we opened the doors to the gym, but we suppressed it quickly when we saw there were people in the room.

"So nice of you to join us," called a man who I assumed to be Mr. Bostik.

"Here we go," I said under my breath for only Noah to hear. He smiled a bit despite himself.

"Just go put on your P.E. clothes. I don't have the energy to tell you that being late to class is wrong and to not do it again," he said as he looked down at his board to most likely mark us late.

"You just did," Noah said under his breath this time for me to hear and I chuckled a bit also despite myself.

"Great job at first impression, Violet," Mr. Bostik said to me as he probably found the unknown name in his roster.

"I tried my hardest, sir," I replied with a voice of complete seriousness.

Noah shoved me a little in the shoulder with his forearm as he tried his hardest to suppress a laugh and when the teacher turned to him, he turned it into a choking cough.

I had to bite my tongue to keep from bursting out in laughter.

"Just go and dress up and meet us at the track," he said as he signaled for the class to follow him.

When the teacher exited the doors to head outside, Noah and I burst out laughing.

"I tried my hardest, sir," he repeated through laughter.

"What can I say, I make great first impressions," I said, still laughing. I turned to see some of the students still leaving the gym and my laughter died in my throat when I saw a certain someone staring at me.


He was slowly walking towards the door and his face had an expression of dead serious murder on it.

Woah. What's his problem?

Once Noah calmed down, he followed my line of sight to Marco. Marco's jaw visibly clenched and he turned around to walk out the doors.

I looked up at Noah to see his face had gone statue still.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, still looking at the doors.

"What was that about?" I prodded.

"Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it," he said, shaking his head.

"Do you know him?" I continued.

"Yeah. He's my best friend," Noah replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Oh. I didn't know what to make of that. I didn't know best friends gave each other intense death glares since I had never had one.

"Well, we better go change," Noah said and started to turn and walk towards what I assumed to be the boys changing room.

I remembered seeing the girls changing room while we walked to the gym.

"Hey! I don't know where the track is!" I called out.

He turned around and smiled a little bit.

"Just meet me back here and we can walk there together," he replied and turned back around again.

While I walked to the girls changing rooms, I started to connect the dots a bit. Noah had said he tried to tell his friends that he liked boys at lunch (I assumed it was at lunch anyway) and that Marco was his best friend or, well, one of his best friends because I also remembered seeing another guy standing with Marco when I first saw him at the break. Maybe that's why Marco was so mad. Noah had run off without telling them anything, distraught, then he showed up in a good mood all of a sudden. Marco was probably mad that his best friend was keeping secrets.

At least, that's one possibility.

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