Chapter 15: Teacher Hart

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~Violet's POV~

"You ready?"


"You got your phone?

"Of course!"

"Okay, just remember to look innocent, Vi."

"I should be reminding you that, Kai."

"Hey! Vi and Kai rhyme! We're practically twins!"

"Shhh! Here he comes!"

Just after I said that, Mr. Russo (the history teacher) entered the class with a distasteful look on his face. I made sure to get that look clear on camera. I had hidden my phone behind my backpack so that only the top was poking out just enough to record everything, yet not be noticed.

"Alright, class, take out a computer or piece of binder paper to take notes on. You know the drill," he commanded. Then, he put his briefcase (yes, he used a briefcase, what a weirdo) into his teacher's desk and sat in his chair.

However, when he sat down in his chair though, the whole thing fell apart beneath him and he went crashing down into the floor.

The whole class erupted into laughter while Mr. Russo moaned in pain from the floor. Even I laughed, but not too much as to draw attention. Kai, skilled in this art as well, did the same as me. Just blend in with the class.

"Alright!" Mr. Russo shouted as he got up. "Who did that?!"

He looked accusingly at each student. I had put my phone and backpack away by then and was looking innocently back at him.

"Oh! You're all innocent, aren't you? Well, honestly, I don't care. You guys can teach yourself today's lessons for all I care while I go to the nurse's office," he said with a smile as he stopped out of class.

After a few moments of making sure he was far enough away, I stood up out of my seat and headed towards his desk.

"Well, you heard the man. Today, I am your substitute teacher. You can call me Ms. Hart. And I will be lecturing today's lesson, and after you will all complete individual work from whatever worksheets he has stuck in his briefcase," I addressed the class.

They all started laughing. While I set up the computer to project the slides presentation for today (which he had already synced up after forgetting to lock his computer), the class actually pulled out their note taking material.

"Ms. Hart, may I just say, I'm hot for teacher," some girl called out from the back of the class. We all erupted into laughter again as some of my other classmates shouted: "Me too!" "I second that!"

Then, a teacher walked in.

"I hear laughing, what's going on?" she asked as she poked her head into to look at the class, not even bothering to glance at me. I recognized her as the teacher that taught the class one over.

"Oh, well, Mr. Russo called in sick last minute so I had to take over and teach the class and I'm just trying to lighten the mood with the students before I begin lecturing," I stated simply in my "grown up voice" and gestured to the presentations being projected on the board.

"Okay, sorry to disturb, carry on" she said, again not even glancing at me, and closed the door going back to her own class.

I turned to look at Kai. His expression of shock probably mirrored my own.

"Well, you heard the lady, let's carry on," I announced and they started applauding, probably impressed by acting, performing, and lying skills. I took a deep curtsy and began reading the slides. I had read the textbook chapter we were going to be learning about yesterday so I didn't just read off the slides, but actually taught them. My classmates were nice and listened and even asked questions that I happily answered. I think they were shocked into paying attention and listening quietly.

When the slides finished, I asked a girl named Madison to help me pass out today's book chapter worksheet.

"Alright, the rest of the period will be used to work on this rather short worksheet. So when you finish, you have to stay in the class, but you are allowed free time to do whatever you want! But, it must be done quietly. If the teacher walks in again and actually bothers to look at the substitute teacher, I don't know if I could lie my way into looking 22," I said and that got some laughs and lots of smiles from the class.

So, after I passed out my half, I went back to sit at my desk and the class worked in hushed tones on the worksheet.

"That...that was... awesome!" Kai whispered to me when I sat down.

"Why thank you, kind sir," I replied with a smile as I opened the textbook.

"I don't think the class has ever paid that much attention to a lecture," he said with a small laugh.

And so, we decided to split up the questions so he took half and I took half then we could share. With that, we finished quickly with ease and began talking about how great that chair break was. Kai was good with mechanical work and he had unscrewed all the bolts perfectly before class. I showed him the video I got which captured the whole splat onto the ground perfectly.

The class was all finished and started to pick up in volume.

"Quiet down, class," I called out from my desk.

Surprisingly, or well not too surprisingly, the class actually responded by saying, "Yes, Ms. Hart," and started talking in more hushed tones.

I looked over at Kai with wide eyes and we broke out into shushed laughter.

With five minutes left, I walked around the class and collected everyone's completed work. Just as I sat down in my seat after placing all the collected papers on a neat pile on Mr. Russo's desk, Mr. Russo walked in with a gleeful smile.

"Oh, you're all still here," he said, disappointed that he couldn't report us for ditching class. "What is this?" he said as he reached down and looked at the neat pile of completed work in his hands.

"We completed the worksheet and took notes on the chapter," Madison said as she turned around her computer to show the notes screen.

The rest of the class followed suit like robots with prideful smiles on their faces. The people who took notes on paper, like me, just held up their notes.

Mr. Russo stared back at the class like a fish gulping for air.

And before he could find his voice, the bell rang and we all got out of our seats and left the classroom.

When Kai and I walked out of the classroom last, the rest of the class who waited in the halls for our arrival started applauding and clapping again.

I smiled and I bet Kai did the same beside me.

But then I put my index finger to my mouth and made a "shhh" sound and they stopped.

"If anyone asks, we didn't do anything," I said with a wink and a devious smile on my face.

They all had guessed that Kai and I were the ones that broke the teachers chair, but if rumor spread around, we could be called into the principal's office. The class understood, and even the teacher's pets smiled evilly. I think they were happy to break their goody good streak and join the class in a secret that they were probably still to tell everyone in school anyway. I'm pretty sure some kids had recorded my lesson already itching to show their friends. And soon enough Kai would steal my phone and send the video to himself.

For now, we can enjoy the prank, but I know we won't get punished if someone tells the principal. Mr. Russo had left our class unsupervised. There was no proof, just gossip that Kai and I messed with the chair. And even if we did get blamed, we wouldn't get in trouble because the class ended up learning all the material scheduled for that day anyway.

If you're gonna to pull a prank, do it well.

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