Chapter 16: Ça va ?

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~Violet's POV~

Math was so boring compared to history.

We had to do this "scavenger hunt" for math problems where you solved a problem and that answer was on a paper somewhere in the classroom or hallway which would also be accompanied by the next problem you needed to do.

On the bright side, we could choose to work with a partner. Of course, Noah and I chose to work together. While we walked around solving and graphing polynomials, I informed Noah on everything that happened in history class. Before today, I had never seen him laugh so much. But I had to admit, it was a funny story.

After the break, which I spent reading The Scarlet Letter in the library, I headed to French.

I made my way to my seat beside Lilliana.

"Bonjour, ma chérie," I greeted.

"Ah! Bonjour ! Ça va ?" she replied.

"Très bien ! Et toi ?" I asked.

"Comme ci comme ça," she said.

"Pourquoi ?" I questioned.

She sighed.

"I was babysitting a kid yesterday and he told me I was ugly," she admitted, looking rather sad.

I couldn't help it. I burst out into laughter.

"It's not funny! He was 10 years old and he was being super mean to me! He called me dumb and ugly! And a lot of other mean stuff," she said, but I could see a smile pulling at the corners of her lips at my reaction.

"Wow. I can't believe you're taking the word of a ten year old over my word," I said.

"What's your word?" she asked.

"My word is that you're absolutely drop dead GORGEOUS!" I exclaimed super loudly that some of the class turned to look over at us.

"Oh my– Violette! Shhh!" she hissed with an embarrassed smile.

"You asked for it," I said, returning to my work which I already finished. I pretty much completed the whole packet already. Whenever we have classwork, I pretend to be doing work when I'm actually writing down song lyrics.

"You're pretty too. You're like the prettiest girl in school," she said. I turned back to look at her.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. It was a genuine compliment. A friendly compliment. And I wanted to be friends with her. She was really nice.

"I expected more people to be flirting with you," she said, turning to look around the class to make sure no one was listening.

"I didn't. I've been marked," I replied.

"Marked?" she asked, confused.

"Yup. The alpha male Marco Rivera has claimed me to be his mate. Yet, I am refusing like every rebellious Princess," I draw out the last word and roll my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I saw that," she said.

"Saw what?" I asked.

"The video of him stepping in between Chase and you," she said slowly, unsure if she should be telling me this.

"Ughhh," I groaned, "Did it at least show the part where I slammed Chase into a wall?"

She giggled. "Yes, it did," she said with a large smile.

"Okay, good. I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of damsel in distress," I admitted, "I have a reputation to uphold after all."

"Oh, trust me. Your reputation is intact. I also saw you beat his butt in arm wrestling," she praised.

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