Chapter 5: The Bane of My Existence

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~Violet's POV~

I got back to school five minutes early which was just enough time to walk across the school to Chemistry Honors. I had shoved the unfinished bag of chocolates into my side backpack pocket and ran, yes, ran in heels, to class. I was 30 seconds early to class and my good mood dropped immediately when I saw a certain someone sitting in the left-back corner of the class.


He was twirling the mechanical pencil in his hand with practiced skilled ease.

The bell rang.

"Please take your seats," the teacher said from beside me. I was the only one standing. And of course, the only seat left was the one next to Romeo.

When Romeo looked up and saw me standing next to the door, he smirked. With literally no other choice knowing that the teacher wouldn't let me sit at his desk or on the floor where I stood, I made my way to the back of the class, avoiding his gaze that was stuck to me like glue.

"Hey, Princess. Long time no see," he said and I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Shut your hubris face before I slap that smile right off ton visage," I said in a voice that one would use to talk about the weather.

Yes, I did indeed say the last two words in French. It just means "your face," but I was livid with silent anger and it's a thing I do sometimes.

He chuckled into his hand to silence it so the teacher wouldn't call him out.

"So, class, today we're going to be working as partners on a new project. For this project, in-class hours will not be provided so I expect you to meet with your partner outside of class hours to work on it. The project is due a week from today. All of Monday and maybe some of Wednesday will be dedicated to presentations. The periodic table plays a significant role in everything chemistry related. And so, with one hundred eighteen elements and a class of thirty students, all but two groups will research and present the required information on your assignment four elements. As said, two of these groups will only be required to do three but the two groups of three elements are harder. I will now go around the room and of each pair of students, one will pick a piece of paper that will either list four or three elements," the teacher finished as he started to approach the closest pair sharing a desk.

"Hey, partner," a deep voice said from beside me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"My house or your house?" he asked when I turned to face him.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"To work on the project," he clarified, clearly enjoying himself.

"Your house!" I blurted out suddenly.

My dad would kill me if I brought home anyone my age from school.

"Woah there," he said raising his hands up, "if you are that eager to see my room, you could have just asked the old fashion way," he finished with a wink.

I let some tension in my shoulders release.

Yes. That's good. Let him think I want to go to his house because I want to and not because I need to.

"Very funny, Romeo," I said, rolling my eyes, again.

"Oh, I'm not joking. I think you'll love to see my–"

"Marco," the teacher warned from beside him, "don't finish that sentence."

"Yeah, Marco," I said, learning and saying his real name for the first time.

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