Chapter 18: Undergarments Drawer

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~Violet's POV~

"What's so important that you need to get it right now?" Noah asked as we drove to my house. I had typed in the location into his maps app and now he was following the course.

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone!" I said looking at him.

"Yeah, okay. I'm really good at keeping secrets if you couldn't tell," he said with a smile and I assumed he was referring to the secret that he was keeping from his parents.

And so, I explained to him that on Monday I took a picture of Marco, and in class on Thursday, Mrs. Lane made me print it out and frame it so I could give it to him.

"And we're working on a project at his house today so I thought I could give it to him then and he'd have no choice but to keep it and put it in his house 'cause I'd be there to make sure he didn't throw it away," I finished explaining.

"That's really nice of you," Noah said skeptically.

"Hey! I can be nice!" I shouted at his skepticism.

He laughed, but it died when he pulled into the path that led to my house. When he reached a black gate, I got out of the car without saying a word and typed in the code manually for the gate to open. When I confirmed it opened, I hopped back into the passenger's seat.

Noah was staring silently ahead, mouth agape as my house mansion came into full view.

"This is where you live?!" he asked as he parked randomly in front of the house.

"Yeah, wait here," I said softly and opened the passenger door and made my way to the door, and rang the doorbell.

"This place is huge! It looks like a castle," Noah said from beside me, surprising me.

"Noah! I told you to wait in the car!" I scolded. But it was too late, and Alfred opened the door.

"Robin?" he asked, then caught sight of Noah standing beside me and added, "And who is this?"

"I need to get something for school from my room that I forgot," I said, ignoring his question and sidestepping him to enter the house. Noah followed suit. He was too entranced by my house to notice Alfred's shock.

"Violet, you know your father wouldn't approve of having a–" Alfred began.

"This is Noah and–"

"I'm gay," Noah finished my sentence.

I mean, that's not how I was going to finish that sentence.

I looked up at Noah after letting out a shocked laugh–scoff.

I had told him that Alfred was my granddad who was open and loved me for me so I guess Noah remembered it would be safe to tell him. I honestly just thought Noah liked telling as many people as he could because the more people that knew, the more people he could be himself around.

"Oh," Alfred said, shocked at his straightforwardness, "well I mean what your father doesn't know won't kill him. I hope. You two can go up to your room, but hurry, Robin. You don't want to be late for school."

"You believe me?" Noah asked. I had mentioned to Noah I had super strict rules in place about people never being allowed to come over to my house because everyone who liked girls was a personal threat against my father.

"That's not something people would lie about just to see my granddaughter's room. And, what is it the kids say? Oh! You're too pretty to be straight," Alfred said with a smile as he walked away leaving us alone at the entrance.

I had to grab Noah's arm to get him to move and dragged him to my room.

"This is your room?!" Noah said slowly looking around with wide eyes, taking in everything.

"Would you focus?!" I asked exasperatedly as I traced my steps from yesterday to determine where I hid the picture.

He didn't seem to hear me as he walked around like a zombie.

"Oh!" I gasped when I remembered I put it in my underwear drawer. I hid it there because if Alfred went snooping into my room like I knew he did, he wouldn't look too hard into that drawer.

I made my way to the dresser and opened the familiar drawer. I sifted through my undergarments until my hands felt the metal of the frame. I pulled it out with a triumphant smile.

"You hid it in there?" Noah asked a few steps away from the drawer but close enough to see the contents.

"Of course I did," I replied with a devious smile.

He took the picture from my hands and smiled at it.

"Wow. This is... perfect," he said looking up at me with new eyes.

I thought back to what Mrs. Lane had said: how you see him. I think Noah was thinking the same thing. He's Marco's best friend and has known him since they were kids and he knows all the things people say about him so I think looking at that, a moment captured where his best friend didn't have a scowl or a smirk, but a real smile was like a treasure to him.

"Thank you," I said shyly.

"And you took this?" he asked, but the question sounded more like: And he looked at you like this?

"Yes. Now let's go or we'll be late!" I said and didn't bother to wait for him as I rushed out of the room.

When we got back to his car without running into Alfred, thankfully, Noah drove off back to school.

"So, your house, huh?" Noah asked.

"Yeah," was all I responded with.

"How much does your dad make?" he asked.

"A lot. He doesn't want me to know how much though. So I don't know. But clearly, it's quite a bit," I said with a small laugh.

"Clearly," Noah replied.

"I don't like telling people how rich my dad is. I know lots of people would die for the chance to brag about the fact they live in a literal 'castle' as you put it, but I never felt the need or want to," I confessed.

"It's okay. I get that. Sorry about making such a big deal," he apologized.

"It's okay. I've never had anyone other than family over at my house and that's the first time I've seen an appropriate response," I said with a small laugh.

When we got to school, we had a solid 5 minutes to spare which we would use to walk all the way to P.E.

"Ready for P.E.?" he asked, probably thinking about the last time where Chase had tried to attack me.

"I guess," I said with a sigh trying to get back into bad bitch character.

"We've got your back."

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