Chapter 13: Tuesday

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~Violet's POV~

So, our school schedule goes like this:

Monday: All periods (1–7) (each 45 minutes)

Tuesday & Thursday: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 7th (1 hour & 30 minutes each)

Wednesday & Friday: 4th, 5th, & 6th (1 hour & 30 minutes each)

So, pretty much, I see only Kai in first period and only Noah in second period and all boys in seventh period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then, I see just Marco in fourth and fifth period and, again, all boys during P.E.

And in each class, each boy has taken a liking to sitting next to me.

For example, I'll walk you through how Tuesday went.

1st period: U.S. History

I walked into class 3 minutes early and sat in my usual corner and after I got my binder paper for notes out, I started drawing flowers.

"Wow, those are good!" a voice had said from beside me.

I turned to see Kai's familiar face. Though I had only seen him a total of three times, I could recognize his face anywhere.

I'm really good at identifying people's ethnicities because of all the schools I have attended and all the summers I have spent in different places. I had pretty much traveled the whole world.

Kai was most definitely Japanese. He had jet-black hair, unlike Marco's which was brown-black. His eyes were so dark brown they looked black. His skin was fair with not one imperfection and his hair was messy yet perfectly cut, like the ones all anime guys had. And yes, I would know what that looked like. Anime is just cartoons in another language with a lot more action. What's not to like? Anyways, Kai knew he was gorgeous and didn't downplay his looks, but he didn't up–play them either.

"...Thanks?" I said like a question, looking around the classroom.

He just took my notes paper and inspected the scribbles closer.

"Why are you sitting next to me?" I asked.

"Well, I don't have any friends in this class. No one that can help me mess around with the teacher. But, then I thought, wait a second, I do have a friend in this class," he said and looked up at me.

"Yeah, we aren't really friends. I don't even know you," I pointed out.

"Ouch. That hurt," he said, clutching his heart in mock pain.

I just raised my eyebrows at him.

"Well, you're friends with Marco and Noah so that makes you my friend."

"I wouldn't say–"

"Then what would you call Marco?"

"A nuisance."

"And Noah?"

"A–" I stuttered. Yesterday at the track, he called me his friend without even hesitating.

"A... friend," I said rather slowly.

Oh my God. Had I made a friend? I made a friend?

"Exactly. And I agree about Marco being a nuisance. See, we already have so much in common!" Kai exclaimed, handing me back my paper.

I internally thanked my mind for not writing down lyrics instead of drawing pictures. I would not want a complete stranger reading those.

"Uh–huh. What do we have in common?" I challenged.

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