Chapter 9- Part II

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As soon as the doors open, they start to shoot, not looking at what lies beyond. Two of the assassins get shot in the hand while the other ducks and misses the bullets. The agents kept on shooting. One of the injured assassins quickly closes the elevator door. Suddenly from behind someone grabs Jane and knocks the gun out of her hands. She sees a shiny blade from the corner of her eyes. Immediately she tries to move violently to get out from the grip of the person holding her around the waist. Finally she manages to hit the person with her right elbow and the person loses consciousness. Jane tries to quickly grab the knife from the assassin's hand, but as she tries, the skin on her right hand starts to burn up with pain. She checks the spot to find a nasty but slight cut from her elbow to her wrist. She ignores it and grabs the knife, her determination to defeat the assassins numbing her pain. As she grabs the knife another assassin punches her from behind. She stumbles but finds her balance and starts to fight him with the help of the small knife. With every hit she made the assassin went backwards, and after a few minutes they reached the end of the hallway. Jane grabbed her chance and pushed the assassin out of the glass window. She ducked just in time to miss a bullet in her head, and threw the knife at the shooter. The knife buried deep in the shooter's leg, causing him to drop his gun. Jane looked around for more assassins, but all of them were on the ground groaning or unconscious. There were more than just three. Two of the agents were huffing for breath after all this action, and one of them was badly injured and lay on the ground grabbing his leg, which was dripping from blood.

Jane sighed and dropped on the ground, thinking it was over. One if the agent handed her the radio, and she said to Allison, "All of the assassins are down."

Instead of a response, Jane could hear sounds of bullets. After a few seconds Alex said through heavy, paused breaths, "Good, now stay put." Someone screamed from the background and Alex immediately cut the call. Jane panicked, "Wait no, Alex what's happening? ALEX?!" 

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