Chapter 8- Part II

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It didn't take long for the FBI to reach them. Three officers came inside, one of them a friend of Miss Rodriguez- Inspector General Isabella Allison. Alex told them everything about Smith's association of mobs, his business, his killing spree, and Alex and Jane's roles in it.

"Didn't the police department of this area try to investigate him?" asked Allison.

"The captain is corrupted, and Smith works too discreetly for anyone to notice," explained Alex.

Allison sighs, "The system really has gone rogue...."

"Listen, we need to act quick and finish this tonight," Alex said urgently, "Smith by now knows I betrayed him, and he'll come after us."

"Ok, I'll tell the field agents to prepare to capture Smith."

"No, if you go to his headquarters to capture him, people will die. The headquarters is big and filled with traps, and it's loaded with trained assassins. We need to lure him to us. Normally he would send his men to do his chores, but as they are out doing other tasks, he'll have to come himself. There are two places he can go. One, he can go to Miss Rodriguez's house to meet Noah, or he can go to Ariana's hospital to seek revenge."

"I'm afraid I don't have enough resources to safeguard both places at the same time-" said Allison tentatively.

Alex didn't see that coming, and he was lost in thought. Jane, who was quietly listening, said outraged, "So we have to risk the lives of our loved ones on a bet if Smith values Family or Revenge more?"

"No," Alex said, with a sure expression. "Inspector, I need at least two to three agents to go with Jane to the hospital to protect my little sister. Send the others to Rodriguez's Mansion. But we need to put Noah in a safer place."

Jane was confused because she knew Alex wouldn't put her at risk, and Smith, being the bad guy, must choose revenge over family.


"Wait, you think he's gonna go after Noah?" Jane blurted out.

Alex sighed, "As much as I hate to admit it, Smith and I are alike."

"That's total bullshit! You are nothing alike," stated Jane.

Alex bit his lips, trying to put his thoughts into words, "It might be hard for you to understand, but we are alike. We both love violence, we both will go out of our way to get what we want, and we don't care about the casualties as long as we get the results we want. We both want revenge, but if I'm correct, he'll choose family first, just like me."

Jane didn't know what to say. She finally said, "I need some air," and went outside the office to the rooftop. Allison talked to the other two officers and they went outside the office too.

Alex exhaled, brushing his hair up with his hands. He didn't know how to execute the plan, if it would work, or if anyone would get hurt.....

Allison interrupted his thoughts, "Alex, I hope you knew what you were doing before you called us."

Alex didn't understand what she was referring to at first, but then he remembered, "Yes, I was fully aware of what I did."

"We would have to arrest you for the murder of Mr. Garrick. Helping to arrest Smith won't change that."

Alex said in a low tone, "I know."

Miss Rodriguez said scandalized, "What do you mean you knew? You are willing to give up your freedom to catch Smith?"

"No, I'm doing this to protect my family and end their misery."

"And what will happen to them once you go to jail? Who'll look after them?"

Alex looked up at Miss Rodriguez and started slowly, "I know this is a huge favor to ask, but could you please take care of Jane and Ariana? I know they are capable of taking care of themselves, but I just want you to watch over them and help them in need. I'll forever be grateful to you."

Miss Rodriguez was shocked to get a request like this, but she didn't hesitate to say, "Of course."

Allison looked at Alex with eyes filled with admiration, "God, you're just like your mother."

Alex was surprised at the sudden mention of her mother, "What? Did you know her?"

"Yeah, I know her. She was my best friend and an excellent agent. You even look like her, except for the eyes. Your sister got her eyes. She sacrificed her dream job and career to look after her family, just like how you are sacrificing your freedom to protect them."

Alex was overwhelmed at this sudden comparison to her mother. He began to wonder what she might've done if she was here. She would've been so disappointed that he was giving up on his family.......

It was like Allison read his mind- she said in a gentle and caring tone, "She would've been proud of you for doing this, Alex. She would've been proud of your bravery, selflessness, and strength."

Alex was in total shock. He didn't believe what Allison said. She would be far from proud. He was the reason for all this disaster. His poor decisions and emotional issues caused this. But the way Allison said it, her tone, her expression, made him feel like it was true. And he wanted to believe it was true because he wanted to feel comfort, relief, and more importantly, happiness.

"I- I uh, I need to go check up on Jane," Alex stuttered and got out of the room as quickly as possible. The hallway started to slightly spin around him and his head started to throb as he tried to push the elevator button. Just then the door to the elevator opened, and Alex faced Ava. 

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