Chapter 8- Part I

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The glass double doors opened and Jane and Alex came into Miss Rodriguez's office. She was a little surprised but didn't show it. She stopped rummaging through her files and looked at them. She inspected Alex and said, "You must be Alex Johnson."

Alex nodded, "I need your help."

Miss Rodriguez replied in exasperation, "And why should I help you after you tried to kidnap my son?"

Alex glanced at Jane, a bit hurt that she told Miss Rodriguez but not surprised.

Alex said sternly, "I don't want to kidnap your son. Elon Smith does."

The name alerted Miss Rodriguez. She looked at him with alarmed and concerned eyes. Alex said, "He knows Noah is his son. And he's gonna come after him. Yes, I tried to hurt your son because I worked for him, but then I changed my mind. I'm sure you could tell from the corpse in your office."

Miss Rodriguez nodded, putting her hand on her head and saying in a feeble, tired voice, "What do you want?"

"I need you to call your friend working in the FBI. It's time Smith is arrested."

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