Chapter 8- Part III

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His head stopped spinning. They stared at each other for a split second, and Alex walked away from the elevator into the hallway. Ava quickly followed him and said, "Hey wait! Why are you avoiding me?"

Alex stopped in his tracks and said, "I'm not avoiding you."

"Then look at me," Ava said to Alex.

Alex slowly turned to meet her eyes. When she was sure she had his full attention, Ava stated, "We need to talk."

"About?" asked Alex, pretending to not know.

Ava sighed and even though it was awkward for her to say, she said, "About you kissing me."

Alex shifted his gaze to the embroideries on the walls and said without looking at her, "Listen, now's not a great time....."

"It won't ever be a great time," claimed Aabi.

Alex blurted out desperately, "Well what do you want me to say? Yes, I like you and kissed you knowing what I was doing, and I don't regret it one second. But I know you don't feel the same way and I respect that. So can we both just go our separate wa-"

Before he knew it, Ava's lips were on his, stopping him mid-sentence. Alex was in complete shock. Ava pulled away and whispered in his ear, "You are wrong, I do feel the same way."

Ava put her right hand on Alex's left cheek and stroked it, looking down at his lips. Their noses were almost touching. Alex moved forward to kiss first. His hands moved towards her waist to bring her closer. Slowly soft kisses turned into more intense and passionate ones. Alex shifted their position and shoved Ava to the wall. Ava moved her hand through his smooth, silky hair while they continued to kiss.

Suddenly the door to the elevator opened and in came Jane. Alex and Ava immediately stopped kissing each other. But Jane had already seen what they were doing, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?"

Alex quickly started smoothing his hair while Ava stuttered, "Uh- I was gonna tell you soon but- but you know-"

"God this is so weird. And you don't have to explain anything, it's ok," Jane said to Ava reassuringly. Ava sighed in relief.

Then the office's glass doors opened and Miss Rodriguez and Inspector Allison came out.

Miss Rodriguez asked Ava, "Do you know where Noah is? He's not at home."

Ava answered, "Yeah, he's at Nabaa's house."

Miss Rodriguez told her, "Can you please go to her house and bring them here?"

Ava nodded.

"Everyone is at their position," Allison said to Alex.

Alex nodded, "Let's end this."

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