Chapter 5- Part III

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Alex was hit with a realization. Seeing Jane vulnerable and hurt because of him wasn't making her safe. And how long will he live fearing that Smith will kill someone he loves? He needs to do right by himself, and his loved ones.

"No, leave him alone," he said to Jacob. Jacob was surprised and said sternly, "I'm sorry what? The boss ordered us to bring him in."

"Leave him alone, Jacob, and it wasn't a request," Alex said, in a warning voice.

"I don't answer to you asshole," said Jacob and continued to move toward the window. But Alex ran towards him and shoved him against the wall, setting Parom free. Alex held him there tightly and whispered to him behind his neck through gritted teeth, "Promise me you will get out of this city and never breathe a word about today's incident to anyone, not even Smith."

"No! We will die if we betray Smith," said Jacob through choked words. Suddenly he back kicked Alex, grabbed Noah, and tried to jump out of the window. But when he stepped onto the window sill, Alex pulled him back by the leg and shoved a pocket knife right into his heart.

Blood started spilling onto and out of his black, thick outfit. Jacob's eyes widened and his mouth was open from shock and pain, and Alex watched him as his soul slowly seeped away from his body. The others stared at what happened in shock. Then Alex looked at Jace with his cold eyes, "Leave town or meet the same fate as him."

Jace gulped, and quickly hurried to the window and went down using a rope. Alex let out a deep breath, took a look at the bloody corpse of Jacob, then a look at Jane and Parom's horrified faces, and then jumped out of the window.

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