Chapter 1- Part III

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They went to Jane and Alex's house as it was the nearest after they escaped from the guards. It was a small apartment in a dark alley. It had two bedrooms, one bathroom connecting them, a small living room, and a kitchen beside it. Everyone dropped on the crappy sofas inside the living room. 

Jane said, "Listen, you guys can tell the authorities or keep it a secret, it's completely your wish. But if you do, Alex and I will be caught, not our boss or his mob, so they will come after you and kill you. He might be bad but he is very loyal to his members."

"What kind of blackmail is this?" said Ava agitated, and stood up from the sofa to face Jane.

Alex replied to her, "The truth. And we did just save your asses so cut us some crap."

"After you threatened to kill us," retorted Ava.

"Ooooook that's enough. I'll give you guys time to think and come up with a decision," said Jane to Ava and the others while she pulled Alex out of the living room and into her room.

"Who does she even think she is?" hushes Alex as Jane closes the door behind them. Jane replies, "Just let them think ok? They'll make the right decision."

"Tch, I highly doubt it. If they don't, they are dead," says Alex as he starts to pull out all the weapons inside his pockets. Jane starts to do the same, "We can't tell the boss that they know." Alex nods. Then he looks at her with a glint of regret in his eyes. "Your friends are right. You shouldn't have signed the contract."

"How many times will we have this conversation?" Jane replies, annoyed.

"I'm serious. You need to quit. You deserve a normal teenager's life."

"You deserve that too. And if I quit we can't afford Ariana's hospital bills."

"This job will ruin you, Jane," said Alex, his hazel eyes looking at her insistently.

"No it won't," said Jane and turned around, although she knew it was a lie.

She entered the living room to get answers. Noah believed that the boss was going to come after them, so he decided not to tell anyone. Isle and Jane were friends for a long time, and she was loyal to her. But Ava was having doubts.

"What you guys are doing is wrong. And me not telling the authorities will make me a criminal too. I don't want that," said Ava, looking down at her hands. "I don't know what to do......"

Jane and Alex exchanged glances. Then Jane said, "Just sleep on it ok? Tell us your decision tomorrow at school."

"Speaking of school, we need to go. Good night!" said Isle as she and the others got up.

When they left Ava said, "Yeah that was a hell of a night for all of us."


What do you think Ava will do? :D

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