Chapter 2- Part III

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Alex and Jane went home to locate their new target. Jane told Alex how Samantha Grace is related to Ava. "So as we finally get Mother Teresa to shut up, the boss tells us to kidnap her aunt. I absolutely love my life," was Alex's remark.

"We can't kidnap her," Jane stated.

"I mean, Mr. Smith told us that he was just gonna ask her some questions then let her go. How bad could it be?" said Alex but got a death stare from Jane. "Ok, let's just call Ava."


"ABSOLUTELY NOT," yelled Ava in front of the crowd of people around them in the cafe. When people started staring at her, she became uncomfortable and sat down on her chair. She said in a hushed voice, "You are no way in hell kidnapping Aunt Samantha."

"We'll lose our job if we don't," said Alex, taking a sip of his cup of coffee and then spitting it out instantly. "Who ordered black coffee for me?"

Everyone ignored him. Then Noah said, "I talked with my mom. She agreed to take interviews for a job."

Jane asked, "What job?"

Noah felt uncomfortable but said, "As my bodyguard."

Alex, who was drinking the black coffee despite its taste, spit the coffee again and choked. "I'm sorry, did I hear that correctly? Why do you need a bodyguard?" Jane was equally surprised and looked at Noah with a questioning look.

"I- um, my father is a criminal, and to protect me from him my mother hires bodyguards. But no one lasts for long. All of them quit after a certain amount of time," Noah paused and hesitated then continued, "The last one was murdered."

"I-," stuttered Jane, trying to form words, but all that she could say is, "I'm sorry to hear that-" and put her hand on Noah's hand to comfort him. "It's fine," replied Noah, jerking his hand away and looking the other way to hide his blush.

"Don't worry Noah, this time you will be under the protection of two of the best fighters in this city," said Alex, getting up. "Jane, let's go tell our boss that we quit." 


Alex or Ava? ^_^

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