Chapter 15: Y/n

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"So," Taehyun said once you were all seated in their one room, you hugging Huening Kai's plushies. They were soft. "Care to explain what that's all about?" He was talking about you not wanting to go to BTS's apartment.

"I...can't," You said quietly, hoping they would catch you meaning. You didn't want to say it out loud. "'Cause know..." You trailed off, eyes drifting away from TXT's.

Beomgyu tilted his head in confusion. "What-oh, do you mean when you, um, ran away?"

You flinched and nodded meekly. At least you didn't have to say the words. You regretted having run away. It was stupid and impulsive and your brain wasn't working properly enough to realize that Hobi and Namjoon hadn't meant they didn't want you anymore, they just wanted to upset you.

"Why would you-Oh, I see." Soobin's eyes widened and Huening Kai's did as well, realizing at the same time.

You didn't know if they would still want you after running.

Yeonjun's eyes softened, as did Taehyun's (which creeped you out) and Beomgyu's. "Y/n, you don't have to worry. Jin-sunbaenim has been worried sick about you-all of them have. They still love you, it's fine."

You shook your head, hair flying as you shook it hard. You couldn't-wouldn't be able to handle their gentle love, not after you just left them for assuming the worst of them. TXT guess you could stay with them, as they weren't the one's you'd probably hurt.

"It''s not fine," You whispered, the first word you'd said since being brought to their dorm.

"Y/n, what are you talking about?" Soobin asked incredulously. "You did absolutely nothing wrong, don't blame yourself."

"But-but, oppa!" You wailed, crying again. "I-I didn't think they would love me! I ran away and broke their trust! I probably hurt their feelings!" You sobbed, heaving in deep breaths, gasping and sniffling. "Why would they want me?!"

"Aww, shh, don't cry, Y/n," Huening Kai hugged you, and Beomgyu rubbed your back comfortingly.

"Yeah, you did nothing wrong, it was just a simple mistake, BTS-sunbaenims won't blame you, we know it," Beomgyu chirped energetically and you sniffed.

"Are you sure...?" You questioned softly, looking up at them with round, hopeful eyes.

Huening Kai nodded aggressively, hair flying up and down. "Of course!"

"But you can still stay with us if you want, we won't mind," Soobin chimed in, smiling softly at you, and you tried not to burst out into tears.

They were all so kind to you. Too kind. You felt like you didn't deserve it. You'd figured they'd had to be at least a little bit hurt, but even that's a big difference. Why were they so kind to you? After you'd hurt them and everything, they still took you in with love.

"Here," Huening said, handing you another plushie. "We'll clear up the extra bunk and you can sleep with my plushies."

Your eyes brightened at that. You loved plushies. It could be any and you'd love it. Forgetting about the old plushie you were holding, you snatched up that new one like a venus flytrap.

Squishing it hard, you asked, "Are you sure it's okay that I...stay?"

Taehyun looked at you, exasperated. "We already told you 'yes' about a million times, we won't change it any time soon." And then you giggled.

You couldn't help it! Taehyun's savage and tininess (mostly savage) cracked you up all the time. You also loved annoying him by being cutesy-cute, and, well, doing aegyos. You didn't believe Taehyun actually hated it, it's more like he felt uncomfortable with a little thirteen year-old doing aegyos to him. Who knew he was a sucker for children?

Beomgyu pouted playfully, saying, "Hey, Y/n, don't laugh. You're supposed to be sad, dummy." He grinned as you laughed even more. "Hey!" He shouted again, and he shot to his feet to tickle you, and you did as well, running in circles in the little room.

"Aaah! Noo! No ticklessss-HAHAHAHAHA!" You squealed as he caught you, hands instantly going to your neck and armpits. "Stop! Stop!" You giggled, but he unfortunately did not.

You squirmed as he continued to tickle you, giggling along with you as he did. Huening Kai joined in, causing the squealing to go up to little shrieks and laughter. The tickles you thought you wouldn't be getting from BTS's maknaes were now happening from TXT's maknaes.

"Noo!" You gasped for air as if you were drowning, but at the same time, laughing. "Stop it! Stopitstopitstopit!!!" Fyi, they didn't. On goes your suffering.

"Why must you do this to meeeeeee?!" You howled, laughing until you got cramps. What felt like an eternity later, they finally stopped, gasping for breath with you, big, ridiculous grins pasted on their faces.

When you finally recovered, you sat up pouting at them. "Why'd you do that?" You whined playfully.

"Because you were sad and you deserved tickles for believing such ridiculous things," Taehyun retorted, rolling his eyes, but his savage effect was ruined with the giant grin on his face.

"They're not ridiculous," You pouted (though now that you thought about it, it was kind of ridiculous). "It's a very reasonable thought."

The maknae gave you a pointed look. "Y/n," Huening Kai said carefully, to make you understand. "It is ridiculous and completely stupid and, it's your bedtime."

You crossed your arms, glaring at the youngest, instantly focusing on the new target. "That's not fair, if I have to have a bedtime, so do you!" You complained.

"What?" Huening asked incredulously. "Excuse me, Y/n, but you're still a child, I am not."

You rolled your eyes. "Oh, come on, as if you don't act childish 24/7." You gave the elder members of TXT a glare. "Isn't that right? Huening-oppa has to have a bedtime as well?"

Beomgyu's cough sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

"I definitely agree," Taehyun said calmly, but his eyes sparkled with laughter.

"I second that," Soobin nodded.

"I third that," Yeonjun agreed.

You smiled triumphantly. "The majority has spoken! Oppa, you also have to go to be now!"

Huening Kai grumbled something about 'annoying hyungs' and 'bossy little kids' and you fumed, launching yourself at him. Yeah, you were pretty impulsive.

"How dare you!" You screeched pettily in your still high-ish voice. "I'm a teenager, just like you!"

The youngest member rolled his eyes. "I'm still four years older than you-Hey, get-off-me!" He tried to shove you off, but you stuck fast, like glue.

"Apowogize," You said in a baby voice, suddenly changing from screeching animal to a baby puppy. "Pwease?" Even with puppy eyes.

Unfortunately, Huening Kai was also a cute person who loves plushies. "Y/n, no, and-HEY! Don't steal my plushies!" HE shouted as you ran off giggling and climbing up to Huening Kai's bunk, hugging all his plushies and shrieking as his tall form appeared and his arms reached up the bunk to take them back.

Yeojun sighed, turning to the remaining three members. "Well, they're going to be at this for a while. Wanna get something to eat?"

"For sure," Soobin nodded.

"Definitely, my ears hurt," Taehyun grumbled.

"Eh, sure, why not. My ears hurt, too," Beomgyu concluded, and the four of them left, not noticed by the two shrieking, squealing children.

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