Chapter 6: Y/n

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You ran as fast as you could away from Yoongi and Jin and the maknaes, nearly running into Hoseok, who was going to his room.

"Sorry, oppa! You apologized quickly, giggling like a maniac. Whenever you just woke up, you were super tired, but a few seconds later, and you're bouncing around like a ping pong ball. You hadn't done that yesterday, but today, you were a lot better. Though you'd worried about getting the maknaes sick.

Too energetic to rest like Yoongi had told you to do, you decided to go to Namjoon and Hoseok.

Ignoring the yelps of the three youngest members, and the yelling of the two eldest, you crept to the room the '94 liners' room. But when you got there, you heard voices talking in hushed voices. About a 'she.'

You only knew one 'she' in this apartment.


Creeping as quietly as you could, you pressed yourself to the wall right next to the door.

"We-I don't know, Namjoon. You sure she'd be happy with us?" Hoseok sounded stressed, and he sighed, and you imagined him lifting his arms, then dropping them.

"I don't know either, Hobi. She seems happy, and the maknaes seem to think she is, but..." Namjoon also sounded stressed and seemed to be pacing back and forth; you could hear feet moving.

Your breath caught. We're they talking about you? They had to be, there was only one 'she' in this apartment. What were they discussing? We're they-were they going to get rid of you?

You tried not to breathe too hard, you had to hear what they were saying. You realized they'd moved on again, and you strained to hear what they said.

"Hobi, do you think she doesn't want to be here?" Namjoon's whisper was so quiet, you almost didn't hear it. But you did. And you almost scoffed out loud. Now this had to be a joke. Why wouldn't you want to be here? Why would you want to leave?

"I think," Hobi started slowly. "I think she just took the first opportunity to get out of there. She took the first thing that showed her love and kindness, despite having suspicions."

The pacing paused, and the squeak of the bed revealed that one of them had sat down. Probably Namjoon.

"But I think she genuinely wants to stay. She probably does care, but doesn't know how to show it. We're strangers, j-hope." You were right. Namjoon groaned and flopped backwards on the bed.

"I know," Hoseok sighed again. "I just-it worries me that she doesn't tell us her problems. She doesn't seem to try to get close. She seems to hold herself far away from us, all stiff and formal."

"She's adjusting, Hobi. You can't expect her to open up after just a day and a half."

Sighing again for the third time in that one conversation, j-hope repeated, "I know, I know. I just wish we could do something about her nightmares. We all heard the screaming and the crying." Your breath caught. Were they annoyed of your nightmares? Or did they genuinely want to help?

"Hobi, we all wish we could do something. It hurts that she won't open up, yes, but I don't think there's anything we can do." Namjoon sounded defeated, and your heart squeezed painfully. They seemed to be giving up on you. After just a day and a half.

You'd heard enough, but you were still curious if they really cared. So, you crept back to Jin and Yoongi's room, 'cause that's where you were staying, and decided that you'd wait for a few days. You'd try to get closer, befriend them, but if they didn't seem like they cared for you, you'd run. You didn't want to, they were the first people to show kindness to you, but you didn't want to live with people who didn't care about you.


That night, dinner was awkward as you silently, lost in your own thoughts. The others tried to make up for your silence by talking about to their new album Map of the Soul: Persona, but you didn't really hear it.

When they realized you weren't really listening, the chatter stopped and you instantly snapped back into reality, realizing your mistake. You didn't even try to get close, just like Hobi and Namjoon said.

Embarrassed, you looked down, unable to meet their eyes, and excused yourself from the table, taking your bowl to the sink. Going off to bed, you remembered: Who's room do you sleep in?

The past two nights, you'd crashed in the two eldest' room and the maknaes.' Even more embarrassed, you turned back to the table. Jin saw this and looked up.

"What is it, Y/n?" He asked you warmly. Yeah, he was definitely the mom of the group.

"I-um," You mumbled, remembering that, even though you got along just fine, they were still strangers. "I was wondering what room I'm gonna sleep in?" The last part was very quiet and you feared you'd have to say it again. You didn't exactly like repeating yourself, but Jin understood, and he smiled.

"You can sleep in any room you want, Y/n, but make sure to keep very warm. I don't want you getting sick again." Jin said kindly, though he seemed nice, you were sure he'd find a way to pry out secrets.

"Okay, Jin-oppa. I hope you guys have a good night, and don't push yourselves too hard. I've heard a lot about how hard idol life is." Even though they were practically strangers, you were concerned. They'd taken care of you, wanted you, the least you could do was worry about them.

"You don't have to worry about us, Y/n." Taehyung smiled, looking up from his food.

Suga's eyes shot open from where he was dozing in his chair, surprise etched all over his face. "Did you just-" He sputtered. "Did you just get Taehyung and Jin-hyung to stop eating? That is unbelievable."

Well, you just learned a new thing about them. Tae, Jin, and apparently Jungkook because he was still eating m, focused entirely on his food, loved to eat and once they started, it was hard to get them to stop. You'd guessed by the tone of Yoongi's voice.

Giggling, you turned around, saying over your shoulder, "Oh, and can you get me Map of the Soul: Persona? Dionysus sounds like it's hype, but I'm not sure."

"Sure!" Jimin piped up happily. "Of course we can, Y/n! Have a good night!"

Happy, you skipped off to Namjoon and Hobi's room, grinning like an idiot. You thought for you were doing a good job of getting closer. They seemed happy, that's for sure.

You just hoped it would last.

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