Chapter 4: Y/n

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A/N: So. This chapter might be slightly triggering for people, so please don't read if you're easily triggered. Just a warning.

"Yes, Lee. We will repeat ourselves one more time. Take the girl to your orphanage." Your parents said, shoving you to that 'Mr. Lee.' Your parents' supposed 'friend' was going to take this 'mistake' as they called you, but you weren't.

At least, you thought you weren't. It had started out of no where, but one day, your parents started ignoring you, and when they did talk to you, it'd been to insult you. A year later, after this started happening, they brought you to their 'friend,' Mr. Lee.

"Why would you need to ask me? You thought I would put her in my home with a warm bed and a cup of hot cocoa? Don't worry, the only thing this girl is gonna be doing, is learning."

You were almost grateful for that, back then, but you didn't know what Mr. Lee meant by 'learning.' Not until it happened.

"Now, girl," Mr. Lee sneered at you. "This is what happens when you want what you can't have." And be made you watch as your parents walked away, snarling in you ear, "They didn't want you, and neither do I, but I'm not so cruel to leave a child on the streets."

No, he wasn't that cruel, he was worse.

You cried, and screamed, and begged, kicking and clawing at Mr. Lee's disturbingly clean yet oily shirt to let you go to your parents. But it didn't change a thing.

Your parents never looked back once.


You woke up with a start, screaming and crying. All alone.

You looked around, and realized Jin and the others had already left. Good. You didn't want anyone to see you cry.

You cried and cried until you fell asleep again, and when you woke up again, you buried your face in your pillow, hoping to fall asleep again.

Unfortunately, you didn't, and, though you didn't want to, got out of bed. It was then that you noticed the note they left you. More like letter, actually, it was that long.

Hi, Y/n. Just letting you know, the bathrooms are in Jin and Yoongi-hyung's rooms and in between the maknaes' rooms and Hoseok and mine. Jin-hyung's already made some food and left the medicine on the table.

And on, and on the letter went about where things were and what you could do. Essentially, nothing except read, for Jin wanted you in bed. But your favourite part of the letter was the end.

Just a simple 'Love, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook' made your eyes water.

You figured out where the kitchen was in like, ten seconds. After changing of course, the letter also explained that they got you some new clothes (read; expensive brands you couldn't pronounce other than Gucci. You avoided that one).

So, ten seconds after changing, you found the kitchen, ate your food, and drank your medicine (yuck!), and soon began to feel tired again, so you took a nap. Aaaand, promptly had another nightmare. Lovely. Just the thing you needed. Totally.

It was the same one. Kicking, screaming, crying, and begging in one, but this one didn't stop there. It added an extra untrue part. With BTS.

You'd made a mistake. You'd snapped. Hurt their feelings. And they'd brought you to Mr. Lee. You didn't mean to, but that didn't matter. You'd hurt their feelings and you deserved to go back to a person just as disgusting-

"Y/n. Y/n?" Someone was shaking you and you pushed their arm away.

"Go away." You mumbled into whoever's pillow you were using. You knew who it was, and you didn't want to talk to him. To any of them. All you kept seeing were their hurt faces, hard and cold. Especially the maknaes, for they always smiled for you, but in that dream, they just kept their faces blank. Harsh. Disgusted. Angry. Apathetic. Take your pick, they all fit.

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