Chapter 7: Y/n

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A couple weeks passed, and before you knew it, it was almost your birthday. You'd done a lot of research on BTS since you'd recovered from your fever, and knew that MOTS: Persona was their newest album. You'd also found out it was released the day before they got you out of the orphanage.

So, when you'd realized that, you'd practically begged the members to give you their new album a couple days before your birthday. Though, for some odd reason, you didn't tell them your birthday was three days after that day, and on May 2nd. But Jin could tell you'd been hiding something.

Three days before your birthday, Jin marched up to you, and said, "Your birthday's soon." Not a question.

You blanched and stammered, "W-what?"

Jin's eyes narrowed, unflinching. "Don't lie to me, Y/n. Your birthday's soon. Tell me when." You opened your mouth to object, but when Jin crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently.

You deflate, defeated, giving up. "Okay, yes, fine! My birthday is soon." When you didn't say the date, Jin gave you a warning, "Y/n."

"May 2nd." You grumbled, pouting, and Jin's eyes softened, coming close and wrapping an arm around you.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, looking down at you as you gazed-slash-glared at him.

"I didn't want to be a bother. You guys are really busy," You mumbled. By then, you'd forgotten that you were supposed to get closer to them, otherwise you're out, and didn't think they'd mind you hiding your birthday. Clearly, you were wrong.

Jin's confronting you reminded you, and told you you were wrong.

Jin ruffled your hair, frowning at you. "It'd never be a bother for us, but you didn't even tell TXT. You guys seem pretty close, I thought you'd at least tell them." BTS had taken you to the BigHit building to meet the new squad, TXT after you'd recovered and you instantly got along with them.

"I-sorry," You mumbled again, looking down. "I really didn't think it mattered."

Jin looked at you sternly, though his brown eyes were kind. "Y/n, have you ever had a birthday party before?" You shook your head, your eyes sad and wistful.

"No," You said gloomily. "The one time I asked, Mr. Lee slapped me across the face. I never asked again after that." At that, Jin cursed Mr. Lee with something not very nice, saying, "Y/n, new house rule: Never, ever, mention that disgusting man in this apartment ever again, you understand?"

You couldn't hide your surprise, and happiness. You didn't know Jin hated Mr. Lee that much. He must've left a really terrible impression on them. "O-okay," You stuttered, still in shock.

"Y/n, you're going to know what a real birthday's like, trust me." Jin grinned at you, an excited gleam in his eye you've never seen before.

Still grinning, Jin bounced off (not literally) to go tell the other members and, probably not, plan a birthday party.


Three days passed, and before you knew it, the one and only j-hope was shaking you awake. "Y/nnnnnn!" He shouted in your ear. "Wake uuuuuuuup! We've got something to show you!" You opened your eyes sleepily, having stayed up late and once again sleeping in Namjoon and Hobi's room.

The sunshine always woke you up excitedly, like each day was special. You supposed it was. You weren't in the orphanage and hopefully never would be again. But, today was extra special. It was your birthday! You were officially a teenager.

Looking up at Hoseok's shining face, you sighed. "What, oppa," You mumbled, turning to bury your face into your pillow. Yeah, you officially had a bed next to Hobi's, but you still wandered to the maknaes occasionally. Never Jin and Suga though. Not after that 'Waking Yoongi up' incident.

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