Chapter 14: Y/n

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When you'd finally stopped crying and found the courage to wander around in the big city that'd broken and scared you, you were tired and exhausted and you just wanted a place to sleep. But you didn't have anywhere to go anymore.

You cursed yourself as you once again walked around aimlessly, no destination in mind. Despite not wanting to see them, you knew you'd probably wasted your last chance of a good night's sleep by leaving them.

You froze as you heard a voice call your name. Except it wasn't Jackson's this time, it was...Namjoon's??? You had to be hallucinating. that you thought about it, Namjoon and Hobi hadn't exactly said 'Let's get rid of her, I don't want to do this anymore,' it was more like they were talking about...your parents? You think. Though, you thought you heard j-hope say 'Her family, Namjoon, she still loves them.'

What did that mean? Did that mean they were going to do something to her parents? Let them, you thought spitefully. You didn't care what they did to them. But that was a lie, and you knew it.

j-hope was right. Despite everything they did to you, you still loved them. How could you not? They raised you for seven years before the orphanage, and they'd showed you love during that period of time. Though it was probably fake.

Ignoring the voice that'd called out to you, you ran again, except never looking back this time. Despite all this, you knew you'd have to find a place to rest, but for the meanwhile, you stuck to big crowds to keep you safe. Thought they never last past sundown.

When the sun was about to set, you muttered to yourself, "Where to go, where to go. Maybe I'll just follow my instincts. Honestly, they're my best bet...okay, then, let's go." You straightened your back, standing tall despite the exhaustion in your legs. You could do this. Go back to the old days where humans used their instincts and memories.

Without realizing it, you backtracked as far as you could go, all the way to the amusement park, past that even. You didn't notice, though, you were trusting your instincts and they were leading you somewhere you knew was safe.

You walked until the sun was gone and the moon was bright and shining in the sky and you were exhausted; you couldn't go any farther.

You slumped against a pole, sliding down, and rested your head on your knees. You missed them. You wished they were with you right now. You knew you should probably head further, but you couldn't. You were exhausted, you wanted to sleep. You honestly didn't care about the fact you were sitting on the sidewalk.

Sitting there, back against the pole, reminded you of the first time you'd slept in the presence of those seven idols. Oh, how you missed the warmth and comfort Jungkook's shoulder gave (even if he was buffed up). You might've done anything to be with them again if it weren't' for the fact that because you'd ran away, they might think you're not worth it anymore.

And, even though you were half asleep, tears formed in your eyes before silently dripping down your face.

You missed falling asleep cuddled with the maknaes, you missed waking up to Namjoon breaking-slash-dropping something, or to Hobi's happy energy, or even to Yoongi's snappish response of 'It's too early to wake up!' and you especially missed Jin's warm and mother-like personality.

Before you knew it, you were crying and mumbling their names, saying your wished and longing's out loud.

"T-Taeee," You sobbed, rubbing your eyes with your hands. "Kookieeee, Hobiii!" You sobbed and hiccupped Hobi's name the loudest, letting gout an even more powerful torrent of tears.

"Waaaah," You cried quietly. You heard a door open and tried to silence your sniffles; you hadn't realized there were any buildings nearby. To be fair, you were probably too busy crying to notice most other things.

"Is that...?" A person asked.

"Oh, my gosh, it is!" The people rushed over.

Too delirious to realize who they were, you thrashed and screamed as someone picked you up.

"Put me down!" You whimpered, clawing at them-scratching at them. "Put me down."

"Shh, shh, Y/n, it's fine, it's us," Someone whispered awkwardly, but soothingly. "Please be quiet, Y/n, you're safe, it's fine."

Finally recognizing the voice, you quieted, peeling open bleary eyes. "T-Taehyun-oppa?" You peeped quietly, unsure if you actually wanted it to be him or not.

"Yes, Y/n, it's me. I'm with the others," He replied, his warm breath fanning your cold face, and you realized that he was the one carrying you. Of course.

By 'others,' you assumed it was the rest of TXT and no BTS. You were glad, you didn't want to see them right now. You weren't sure you'd be able to face them. Besides, you think you needed Huening's plushies.

"O-oppaaa," You hiccupped, tears dripping down your face again. "Oppaaaa, I-I'm so sorry I ran away. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hate me."

"Shh, Y/n. Don't cry," He comforted you. "And, hate you? Why would we hate you?"

"Y/n," Soobin interrupted and you hiccuped again, nodding. "It's understandable why you ran away, and we're shocked of course, but we would never hate you." His low voice was so sweet and gentle, it made you cry even more.

"Y/n, it's fine now, you just worried us a lot," Huening Kai piped up.


"Y/n, it doesn't matter anymore, forget about it, it's fine," Yeonjun said gently, patting your head, and it was only then did you realize you were moving.

"Okay," You mumbled, snuggling against Taehyun, who was clearly surprised, but tolerated it. He was warm, you were cold, and all you wanted to do right now was to cuddle something, Savage Taehyun or not.

Then something hit you. "Oppa, where are we?"

"Hm? You don't know?" Beomgyu asked, surprised.

You shook your head.

"We're about two blocks away from the BigHit building. We were on our way to our dorm when we saw you. We're going to drop you off at BTS-sunbaenim's-" He started.

"No!" You shouted, eyes shooting open. You'd startled him. "No," You repeated, softer this time. "Please, I don't think I could-could I stay with you?" You cut off, unable to finish your first sentence. How could you say you didn't want to see those seven idols to their hubaes who treasure them very much?

Beomgyu's eyes softened even more, nodding. "We can do that, right, guys?" He glanced at the two eldest for confirmation.

"Of course," Taehyun interrupted firmly, and that was that.

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