Chapter 1: Y/n

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"Hey! Get back here!" Mr. Lee chased after you. This was your latest attempt to try and escape the orphanage, and you weren't going to get caught, you would make sure of it.

You ran through a short alleyway, blocked by boxes so he couldn't follow you. When you crept out of the alley, you sprinted.

You sprinted as fast as your legs would carry you, but being 5'0" with short legs, that wasn't very fast. Especially since you had spent five years in a poor orphanage.

Sprinting at your top speed, you heard Mr. Lee, for he had already caught up with you.

"Get back! Stop!" You did anything but. "Someone stop her!" You really hoped no one would do that. You squeezed your eyes shut, running, not stopping. Why would you? You just escaped from an orphanage and-

You crashed into someone and almost fell, but they grabbed you just in time. "Whoa, are you alright?"

You looked up, only to see seven of the most handsome men you'd ever seen. Oh, wait, you hadn't met any men other than Mr. Lee and your biological dad, (A/N: remember, she's an orphan) but still.

"Sorry," You said on reflex, and tried to pull away, knowing Mr. Lee was right behind you. "I need to go."

The man let go of you and you realized he was looking at you, concerned.

Another one of the super handsome men came up, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Jin-hyung, let her go." You nodded your thanks, and was going to run off again, when someone's hand clamped down hard on your shoulder.

"Gotcha." Mr. Lee panted. "You're coming with me."

You froze in place and stiffened. "I-no. I don't want to." You tried to pry his hand off your shoulder, but he only held on tighter, digging his fingernails in your skin, making you wince.

Mr. Lee looked frail, for he was bone thin and his black hair was always messy and gelled because it was almost to his shoulders. You knew better though. He was dangerous without needing a weapon.

Mr. Lee was the type of person who always knew exactly what to say to make someone ashamed, embarrassed, or insecure, that's how he keeps all the kids at the orphanage in line.

Mr. Lee stiffened as he realized there were people there. He smoothed down that stupid dress shirt of his he always wore, and bowed to the man called 'Jin.'

"My apologies. I'm so sorry if my charge has bothered you in any way, Mr. Kim." You gaped at him. Did he know this 'Jin' guy? You didn't think Mr. Lee knew any good looking people.

You tried kicking him, but he was too far away. Always staying just out of reach, but managing not to look super suspicious.

Jin didn't seem surprised. In fact, he looked kind of annoyed. It took you a moment to realize that all the others were wearing masks, only Jin wasn't. You wondered why.

The man who'd put his hand on Jin's shoulder, the one with the whit hair, (not like an old man) held out a mask to Jin and whispered something that Jin nodded to.

"Of course not," Jin lied smoothly, and you almost snorted. You had disturbed him, and you knew it was polite to say something like that, but...

Your eyes widened in surprise as you noticed one actually did snort, and that you weren't the only one who thought it was ridiculous.

Mr. Lee bowed again and gave an oily smile. "I'll be taking her now if you don't mind."

"Of course not," Jin replied, looking unruffled and completely calm. But when Mr. Lee turned away, Jin's eyes glittered with anger, but he stepped forward and shook your hand.

"Nice to meet you, I hope you be more careful. Some people might not be so forgiving, you know." While he shook your hand, you felt him slip a note into it. You looked down, and what you saw made your eyes tear up.

Hey, sweetie. It read. We'll get you out of that place, i promise, but please, tell us your name? ~ Jin

You knew you couldn't say your name, otherwise you'd get punished, so you decided to get Mr. Lee to say it.

You stood stock still as Mr. Lee tried to drag you away, hoping to get him mad enough to say your name. You knew it was stupid, but what else could you do?

"Move, girl," He snarled in your ear. You refused, not until he said your name. "Move it! Stop making a scene!" You refused to move, eye's locked with Jin's.

The others were staring at you two. The one who'd snorted nodded his head, ever so slightly, telling you they knew what you were doing. One with red-orange-ish hair didn't smile, but you could see the encouraging look in his eyes.

"Make me," You muttered, taking the risk so they could hear your name. You needed to escape.

"Why you little-" As if remembering you had an audience, Mr. Lee straightened, and released you. "I'm sorry." He apologized to Jin and the others.

"L/n Y/n, stop bothering these poor men and let's go back home." Mr. Lee said in a sugary tone, and an oily black strand fell out of his perfectly gelled hair as he smiled his oily smile.

You glanced at Jin and, at his nod, obediently followed Mr. Lee while he dragged you back to the orphanage. You clenched the note Jin had given you, remembering the words.

We'll get you out of that place, I promise.

When you finally got back to that wretched place, Mr. Lee glared at you and said, "I know what you were trying to do, girl. It'll never work. You think celebrities would want to adopt you?"

"No?" He said as you gaped. They were celebrities? "Thought so." He smiled nastily at you. But he for once was wrong, Jin would come back for you, he promised! But...

He was a celebrity, and you were just a dirty little orphan with too small jeans that looked like skinny jeans, a dirty purple sweater, the only splash of bright colour here, and messy, dirty, disgusting, h/c hair.

No. He would come back for you. He seemed like an honest man, (honest as in nice, he lied earlier so...) And he didn't seem like the type to break a promise.

So you waited patiently for them, but they didn't come the next day.

Or the next.

Or the day after that.

But still no one came to the orphanage, and you started to lose hope, until about a week after you met them, a van drove into the driveway, and seven gorgeous men entered the orphanage, looking for a girl named L/n Y/n.

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