Chapter 9: RM

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After our conversation, Hoseok quickly fixed his face and we started heading back to the group. "Look, Hobi..." I said, running a hand through my hair. "I'm sorry, okay? Truly. I would never want to hurt Y/n. You know that right?"

Hoseok sighed, still not looking in my eyes. "Yeah, I know, Joon. Just drop it, okay? All's forgiven." The bitter note at the end clearly said, No, all's not forgiven.

I blinked back tears, we needed to get back to the others and Y/n before she started worrying. The others knew where we were, but Y/n didn't.

But when we got back, it was chaos.

"Namjoon!" Jin grabbed me by the shoulders frantically, eyes wild with panic. "Have you seen Y/n?"

"I-what?" I asked shakily, eyes widening. I had never seen Jin this uncomposed before. Never. Not even when he yelled at us.

"Namjoon. Have-you-seen-Y/n???" He said it in short bursts, almost too quick for me to hear. I took in Jin's rumpled form, Yoongi talking quickly and calmly to j-hope, and JB explaining to the maknaes, who'd just came back from a roller coaster. "Well, have you?!" I look back at Jin. He was almost hysterical now.

"Wha-of course not, hyung-wait, she's missing???" I did a double-take of the people I'd seen. Jin, Mark, Suga, JB, j-hope, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Jimin, V, BamBam, Yugyeom, Jungkook, and TXT, Y/n.

"Where is she?" I asked, though I knew it was a stupid question.

"I don't know!" Jin shrieked, his face redder than the lobsters he so loved to eat. "That's what I'm asking you, Namjoon, you. Not me!!!" I could tell there was no way I could calm Jin down, so I tried to find solutions to find Y/n.

"I'll call our manager," I said steadily, pulling out my phone, Jin looking half-mad, all while looking at me like I was half-mad.

It rang a few times before he picked up. "Namjoon-ah! How lovely to hear from you. How's your day off been-" He started, barely finishing the question before I cut him off.

"Terrible, Y/n's missing. We-"

"Well that's just dreadful, come back to the building," He ordered, sounding disinterested.

"What-sir, I-we can't-" I protested.

"Come back to the building, Namjoon-ah. That's final." He flat out commanded it, but he seemed to know I was going to protest because he said, "I talked to BangPD, he said come back. Bring TXT, too." Then he hung up.

I sighed, turning back to the other members. "Guys..." They all turned while Jin looked at me, his hope painfully strong in his eyes.

"Well?" Jin demanded harshly. "Are they going to help?"

I refused to look at the hope that died, turning his eyes dead as I said, "We're supposed to go back to the building. TXT, too." All the chaos boomed back, this time from the youngest.

"What?!" Beomgyu yelped in horror, jumping forward. "They want us to just leave her? A child? All alone in a city she's grown up in but never actually got to know? We can't do that!!" Taehyung looked calm, but his eyes were furious as he put a calming hand on his shoulder.

"Beomgyu...we should go back to the buil...ding..." Taehyun paused, reluctant to say it. "We can't find Y/n by ourselves." He said the last part softly, clearly uncomfortable by the idea from the agony in his eyes to the reluctancy in his voice. In fact, he looked the most upset about having to leave Y/n somewhere in the huge city of Seoul.

"Taehyun, Beomgyu-hyung is right, though! We can't leave her! It's dangerous out there!" Hueningkai added, his child-like face fille dwith worry.

"Guys," I said firmly, forcing my face hard and unmoving. "We're going back to the building and that's final." That was when Jaebeom spoke up.

"If it helps, we can search for her." He looked at us, determined. "You should go in case you get in trouble." I nodded in thanks and turned to the rest of the BigHit family (excluding Hyun).

"C'mon, guys, let's go." I gestured towards the exit and waited until they were all out before following. The entire ride back was filled with a tension that normally wouldn't be there, and I tried not to shrink down, for every time Jin looked into the rearview mirror, he glared at me. Everyone else ignored me too.

It stung. We all used to be so close and now we were a mess, and it was no one's fault but my own. If I hadn't suggested we report Y/n's parents, Hoseok wouldn't be upset. If I hadn't decided to just leave without her, the others wouldn't be mad. Those were also the reasons why I was mad at myself.

Back at the building, our manager was waiting for us. "Welcome back, wel..come back..." He faltered at the glare Jin shot at him, before bouncing back with such fake enthusiasm, it made me sick. "Hitman Bang is waiting for us in his office to discuss the, ah, probl-"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Taehyun wheeled on him, snarling, "Don't you dare call her a problem. Don't. You. Dare."

"Yes, well," He waved a dismissive hand. "You can go now. BangPD only wants to talk to them." He gestured at us and Taehyun hissed in annoyance.

"Fine," Soobin said coldly-Soobin-before waving his hand, gesturing for them to go. "Come on, guys." He shot a glare just before they left, face angry-no, furious.

"Come along, now. Don't want to keep him waiting." Our manager waved a hand forward, false cheer on his face, and marched off to our CEO's office.

As we entered BangPD's office, he looked up and leaned forward on his desk, clasping his hands together.

Ah, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook," He said, nodding at each of us as we sat down on th ecouch directly across from him.

"PD-nim," I nodded right back.

"Right, so I assume you know why you're here?" He questioned.

"We're assuming it has to do with Y/n, sir," I answer, carefully putting on a blank mask so not to betray what I really felt.

"Ah, yes...Y/n.." He said her name as if it were a strange, bizarre, abnormal name. "The girl you adopted from that insolent man-what's his name-right, 'Mr. Lee.'" At that name, I could feel Jin's anger grow. Hitman Bang continued.

"I'm very sorry to say this, but I think we must do something most unpleasant. I really hope you don't mind, but it must be done." He smiled apologetically, and thankfully, it was genuine, because if one more fake smile popped up, I swear, I would leave the company.

"Do what, sir?" I asked, trying to hide the rising dread in me.

"I'm afraid we must leave Y/n alone." He looked about as uncomfortable as I felt. Leave Y/n alone? In a city as big as Seoul?

"Alone?" I echoed, still unbelieving. "What-why?"

Bang Sihyuk sighed, rubbing his forehead with a hand. "She's distracting you from your work, Namjoon, and tearing you guys apart. You see that, right? You used to be so close, not even paper could slip between your bonds. Now?" He shook his head. "Now, you're arguing all the time. Over a little girl, for goodness' sake!

"Which is why, Namjoon, I must ask you boys to leave her alone, for she's interfering with your careers."

"No," Jin cut in bluntly. "No way. Not ever."

"I was afraid that'd be your answer." Bang Sihyuk sighed again. "And I'm afraid that that wasn't a question, it's an order. You go against the rules, and the managers will have to punish you, and they're very bitter about the whole 'Y/n' situation."

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