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"No one's ever wanted me before," You mumbled. "All anyone's wanted to do is get rid of me."

The seven men in front of you all smiled gently at you. You looked down, eyes downcast, almost certain they didn't want you anymore.

The silence was broken when one man with bright blue hair said, "I'm sad that we're the first ones, but at least now you don't have to worry! We want you, Y/n and we never will leave you, we promise."

You look up at them hopefully, tears filling your eyes. "Really? But I thought..."

"That we didn't want you? Really, Y/n?" One of the shorter men asked incredulously. "You know I never would've gone through so much trouble just to ditch you."

You knew he was always blunt and didn't mind. In fact, it felt like a warm hug coming from him. Worldwide handsome was next, being the eomma he is.

"You'll always have a place with us, Y/n. We'll never ask you to leave. Never. We'll only ask you one thing. Stay."

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