Chapter 5: Jimin

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I woke up to Jungkook and Taehyung shaking me awake and giggling. I groaned, and swatted at their hands and arms, carefully avoiding hitting Y/n. "What is it?" I grumbled, unhappy at being woken up, having stayed up late in a pillow fight.

"Hyung," Jungkook shook me, and I groaned again, sitting up. "Hyung," He said again softly. "Look at Y/n. Tae said she had nightmares yesterday, but I think we made her happy, right?" Taehyung glared when Jungkook didn't use an honorific, but nodded.

I looked down to where Y/n was cuddled in between me and Jungkook, and smiled softly. "I think we did, Jungkook, I think we did." Y/n shifted in her sleep to where she could grab Jungkook's arm, clinging to it with a small smile on her face.

"I also think," Tae said cheekily. "She likes Jungkookie the best. Definitely not you, Jimin." I turned a glare on him and he laughed, shaking his bright blue hair out of his eyes.

Y/n's eyes shot open at the laugh, then instantly closed, and mumbled adorably, "Sunbaes...wha...?"

She untangled her arms from Jungkook's and rubbed her eyes, her hair a cute little mess on her head before cascading down.

Jungkook smiled softly down at her and said, "It's nothing, Y/n. Sorry if we woke you."

"It's fine," She yawned, opening her little mouth wide, before instantly slapping a hand over her mouth go spare us from her morning breath. "Oops, sorry 'bout that, sunbaes." She smiled sheepishly, her e/c eyes shining brightly with joy.

Taehyung rumpled her hair even more, chuckling. "We're more concerned if we woke you."

Y/n snickered, and it seemed she knew all about us after just a day and a half, because she said, " Mainly because Jin-oppa is going to yell at you for 'Not letting me rest.'" She added finger quotes to 'not letting me rest'

Tae's embarrassed smile popped up and he immediately started protesting. "N-no, Y/n! That's not it!"

Jungkook grinned sheepishly. "Well, it is part of the reason." He admitted, and I sighed.

"You guys really had to tell her that? She'll tell Jin-hyung!" I exclaimed jokingly, pretending to be worried when, honestly, I wasn't. That worried anyway.

Y/n giggled, and I cracked a smile. Seeing Y/n smile after her miserable five years in Mr. Lee's orphanage...well, it was nice to see her happy and smiling.

"Oppa, I'm sure you're worried, but don't worry, I won't tell him." She giggled again, and slapped and hand over her mouth again, trying to keep quiet, otherwise not telling Jin wouldn't do any good.

Jungkook patted her hair and smiled again. "Aren't you cute. You're an angel for not telling Jin-hyung." Y/n grinned, while Taehyung and I gaped at him.

"Finally calling someone other than yourself cute? That would've been hard to believe had I not heard it with my own ears." I exclaimed, still not comprehending that he called someone other than himself cute.

Y/n stared, eyes wide, before whining, "Awww, why did Jin-oppa say I can't watch videos? I clearly don't know you guys at all!" She pouted and V instantly started cooing over how cute she was.

And then, since Y/n seemed to do very impulsive things, she pushed off the blankets, and clambered off the bed.

"Imma go complain to him," She announced, standing tall in her sweats, before marching out of the room and slamming the door shut. Hard.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and I all jumped. Taehyung turned to me with wide eyes. "Why do I feel this won't end well?" He asked.

My eyes met his, equally wide, my brain just registering what Y/n was going to do. "That's because," I swallowed, saying it slowly. "It won't, Tae. It won't."

We all winced at a thump and a yell, "What the fu-Who did that?!" Yoongi presumably.

"Y/n, I said no!" Jin. We maknaes all gulped and practically ran as far as we could from the door.

Squealing. Then a door being swung open.

"GET BACK HERR, L/N Y/N! HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME UP?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" Then thuds on the floor, chasing smaller, lighter steps. Another pair of feet followed the first two.

"Ack, no!" The small girl-who shall remain unnamed-yelped. "I just wanna-" More squealing, and a crash on the floor. It appeared Namjoon and Hoseok had just walked out of their room.

Us three maknaes just sat there, in the corner of the room farthest away from the door, hiding, hoping everyone would just forget about us. But nope. She-who-shall-not-be-named had told a certain grumpy someone that us three maknaes didn't stop her from waking him.

Soon, Yoongi slammed our door wide open, glaring at us. Before he could do anything though, Jin shoved him aside, wooden spoon in hand.

"You encouraged this behaviour? And you woke her up?" Jin narrowed his eyes at us, and we gulped. Yoongi or Jin by themselves were scary enough. Both at once though...I wasn't sure Taehyung, Jungkook, and I would make it through the morning.

We gulped again, and instantly started protesting like we did with Y/n. "N-no, hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed, stammering nervously, because obviously, that was it. "W-we would never!"

Jin glared at him. "You know what? I don't believe you, Kim Taehyung."

"Honestly, you shouldn't," Hobi piped in, glaring at us as well. "I don't even know how many times Jungkook and Tae have betrayed us."

"H-hyung, we're innocent!" Jungkook yelped, turning into the baby once more. And he was mature now....

Y/n, it seemed, took pity on us, and suggested, "Why don't you just whack them all once with the wooden spoon? Me too, if you want." Jin looked down patronizingly at her and patted her head.

"That's nice of you to offer, Y/n, sweetie, but I won't hit you when you're sick. These three on the other hand...I have no such qualms." He looked back at us menacingly, and stalked back into the room, Yoongi right behind him.

"Go get some rest, Y/n," Yoongi muttered to her. "But don't think I'll forget about you waking me up. I'll yell at you when you're better." Y/n nodded and quickly ran off to wherever, leaving us to Yoongi and Jin's mercy.

"Now," Jin grinned evilly. "Who's ready to get punished?"

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