Chapter 4

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"Lost?" I heard a smooth voice next to my ear.

I whipped my head around to come face to face with a boy. He was my age, maybe a year or two older. He was tall, much taller than me. He had bark brown hair that hung over his forehead. The boy had deep brown eyes, so dark that they were almost black. He had a scar on the bridge of his nose.

"I'm fine." I told him, turning around to walk away.

He grabbed my hand, "Okay. Fine. Then walk with me to the Great Hall."

"What if I don't want to? I don't even know you."

"Mattheo. And you are?"

I smirked and walked away, leaving his question unanswered.


"Please welcome, Ms Amaya Miller" I heard Dumbledore's voice boom just as I reached the Great Hall.

I felt everyone's eyes on me. My breaths got raggedy and I was just trying to breath as I walked.

I sat down on a stool as a woman put a hat on my head.

"Hmm...cunning, loyal, intelligent, chivalrous. Any house would suit you quite well..." the hat thought aloud.

I sat there, quiet and nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I just knew I didn't want to be in the same house as that bloke on the train.

"I think I'll put you in...SLYTHERIN!" the hat announced.

I sighed, sitting towards the back of the table, alone.

"One last thing!" Dumbledore announced, "We have one more student, he is joining the 5th years. Please welcome Mattheo R!"

I rolled my eyes as the very same boy from the hallway waltzed in. He strutted to the front of the room like he owned the place. Jeez. What a narcissist, I thought.

The boy, Mattheo, glanced around confidently. When his eyes fell on me he smirked.

He seemed to have all the girls under some spell. They couldn't take their eyes off of him. Even Hermione and Ginny couldn't look away.

He went up to the Sorting Hat, and a second after it touched his head, he said one word that I couldn't make out and the hat yelled, "SLYTHERIN."

He walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to...Malfoy. Of course. Those two are perfect for each other.

"Now the feast may begin!" Dumbledore announced and sat back down.

There was so much food, I don't think I've seen this much food in my life. It was crazy.

Across the room, I saw Ron was stuffing his face with food, like he was used to eating a feast all the time.

Is there always this much food? I wondered.

Why didn't Dumbledore use Mattheo's full name? Everyone else's last names were announced. I might be overthinking, but I was curious.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the one and only Mattheo.

"Hello there again," he smirked, "I figured it out."

"Please do enlighten me," I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I solved the mystery of your name, Amaya," he emphasized my name.

"Wow, congratulations Theo," I fake congratulated him.

"That's not my name," he said with a darker tone.

"I don't care. I like Theo." I smiled sarcastically at him.

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

And just after he left, another annoying Slytherin approached with a posse of other boys.

"Ugh look at the flilthy mudblood!" Draco exclaimed, "Why did Dumbledore accept all of these stupid mudbloods! Does anyone actually care about you? Your friend Weaslebee's whole family is just stupid, and Potter's is all dead. I bet this mudblood over here doesn't have a family too." he said pointing at me.

I looked down at my feet.

"Yeah that's right. I know all about you. Amaya Miller, has been at St Blackwood's Orphanage since you were born. No sibling, no parents, no cousins, nothing. You weren't even given a name." Malfoy taunted.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Don't cry in front of him, please don't cry in front of him, I pleaded with myself.

I got up, grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the Great Hall.


I changed this chapter a little, but it doesn't affect the storyline much. The only thing that it effects is her house. She was originally written as a Gryffindor, but I changed that due to the complaints I was receiving.  So, in some parts of the story she may be in the Gryffindor Common or with the Gryffindors, but she is a Slytherin. I just don't have time to rewrite it. Sorry for the confusion and thank you for reading!

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