Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry in advance for these first few chapters. I'm writing these while I have COVID and my computer isn't working right now. Thank you for reading this!

I quickly ran down to Kings Cross Station, per my letter instructed.

I was still kind of shocked. I didn't expect to get to go to school, seeing as I have no money and we get homeschooled at the orphanage. So the fact that I got an acceptance letter to a school, I was so excited. I had always been a normal girl, so I couldn't believe I just got accepted into a school I didn't know existed.

I took out the letter to see what train to take. It said to go to Platform 9 3/4. I kept walking around, but I couldn't find it.

I was looking around, but I was lost. I couldn't find it and I was going to miss the train and-

Oh shit. I could feel myself starting to loose control of my breathing. My chest got heavy and I felt myself getting lightheaded.

I suddenly felt a soft tap on my shoulder. My head whipped around to see a small woman with red hair and kind eyes.

"Are you lost dear?" she asked me.

I nodded unable to talk.

"Let me help you. Where do you need to go?" she asked, smiling.

"Platform 9 3/4," I replied, slowing my breathing.

"Luckily for you, that's where we're going!" she told me, cheerfully.

"We?" I questioned.

"Oh yes let me introduce you to my family." she said, leading me over to some other red heads.

"This is my husband, Arthur Weasley, and my children. Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny." she said, pointing at each one as she spoke.

"Mom he's Fred!" one of the kids explained. He was identical to the other boy he stood next to.

"Sorry George," the woman sighed.

"I'm only kidding. I am Fred," the boy who first spoke, Fred I guess, replied back to his mother.

His mother sighed again, then turned to me. "I'm Molly Weasley by the way dear."

"Nice to meet you all." I said politely.

A boy and a girl walked up behind the Weasleys and the other boy, Ron I think, turned around and they all smiled. The girl had bushy brown hair and brown eyes, while the boy had dark brown hair, green eyes and glasses. I noticed the boy had a scar on this forehead, the shape of a lightning bolt. Strange, I thought.

"Oh, Harry, Hermione there you two are!" Molly exclaimed, turning to me once more, "And this is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger."

I waved at them and they waved back.

"Nice to meet you!" Hermione beamed.

"Oh!" Molly laughed, and turned to me again. "I forgot to ask your name! I am so sorry dear!"

"It's okay. I'm Amaya Miller, but you can me Maya if you'd like." I responded.

"Very nice to meet you Maya," Arthur shook my hand.

I felt kind of uncomfortable with all this attention on me, but they were so nice and just were trying to help.

"Are you going to Hogwarts too?" Harry asked.

I nodded.

"Is it your first year? I haven't seen you around before. Most people start going when they're 11, and you don't look 11." Hermione asked.

"This is my first year attending school, yes. And I'm not 11. I'm 15." I told them.

"Harry, Hermione and are 15!" Ron exclaimed excitedly.

I laughed at his childishness.

"So you'll be with us 5th years?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. Probably?" I shrugged, "Now that we're all acquainted, where's the train station?"

"Oh yes! Ginny you can go first dear," Molly said.

Ginny grabbed her cart with her belongings in it, and ran through a wall!

I gasped and stepped back, "W-what!? How!?"

"You didn't know about magic...?" Ron asked.

"Magic!?" I shrieked, "Magic's not real!"

"How can you go to Hogwarts and not know about magic?" Hermione exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, taken aback.

"Hogwarts. Y'know, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" Hermione explained, "I'll explain more on the train, but we have to go!"


We finally got on the train and sat in a compartment together. They explained it all to me and it was quite fascinating.

Thankfully, in my letter the headmaster told me that he would have all my supplies at the school, so I didn't have to worry about that.

We were just taking and they were explain the houses to me, when a boy walked into out compartment.

All of a sudden, it got tense in our compartment, and I didn't know why.

I looked at the boy. He was tall and had platinum blonde hair and grey eyes.

Shove off Malfoy," Ron spat.

"That's no way to talk to your superiors!" the blonde spat back, "Ah, I see you have a new addition to the freak show. Who's this mudblood."

"Leave her alone Malfoy!" Harry yelled.

"Zip it Potter. She can speak for herself, can't she?" the boy glared, turning to me, "Your name mudblood."

"Keep calling me mudblood, I dare you." I snapped.

"Learn this now. I am better than you. You will never be better than me. You do not disrespect me, ever. Got it?" the boy seethed, venom dripping from his words.

The boy walked away and Hermione spoke up, "Are you alright?" she asked gently.

I nodded, "Who was that?"

"That, was the one and only, Draco Malfoy," Harry clenched his jaw, "The biggest jerk in Hogwarts."

We kept on talking for a while, until we felt the train halt, signaling we had arrived.

Infatuated ~ Mattheo Riddle x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora