Chapter 1

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My eyes fluttered open as I took a slow, deep breath in. I laid in the small twin bed, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed silently as my shoulders dropped down. My hands drifted to my sleepy eyelids as I attempted to rub the drowsiness out of my eyes. My legs lengthened and my arms stretched out my sides. I sat up in the bed, glancing around the room.

Everyone was still sleeping, thankfully. I glanced at the two beds next to me, just like the one I laid in. I smiled when I saw how peaceful the girls looked.

My eyes moved to the bunk beds on the other side of the room. They were small and make a creaking noise every time one of the girls moved even just a centimeter.

I rolled out of bed and crept down the hall to the bathroom. There was only one bathroom in the whole place, with only two showers inside. Often times I will help the smaller girls shower before bed, helping them wash their hair and faces.

I turned on the shower and threw my pajamas on the ground. I stepped into the cold water and flinched as it hit my skin. I had to save the warm water for the other girls.

After I finished, I turned off the water and pulled a towel out. I wrapped it around my body as I realized I forgot my clothes in the other room.

I snuck down the hallway, and the door to the bedroom creeped open. I tiptoed in and grabbed a random outfit.

I tiptoed back into the bathroom and got changed

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I tiptoed back into the bathroom and got changed. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom quietly.

Back inside the bedroom, I pulled out a duffel bag from underneath the bed I slept on. I started shoving clothes, books, shoes, and all of my belongings into it. Good thing I didn't have much.

As I was packing, I heard the creek of a bunk bed. I whipped my head around to see a dark skinned, brown haired, brown eyes girl staring at me. I beamed at her and walked over to the bed she laid on.

I stood on my tiptoes so I could look at her sitting on the top bunk of the bed.

"Hello there. Why are you up so early?" I asked her, my smile not wavering.

"Are you leaving again?" the 5 year old asked, her almond eyes looked at me.

I paused. "Yes Millie, I am. But I'll be back before you know it, okay?"

She nodded. "I'm going to miss you."

"Oh Mills. I'm going to miss you too. But I'll be back soon."

"Do you have to go?"

"Yeah I think I do. But you know what? I'll be back for Christmas and that'll come before you can miss me, alright?"

She nodded smiling at me with missing teeth.

"Did the tooth fairy come last night?" I asked her, hoping to distract her so she wouldn't get too sad.

She looked under her pillow and saw the chocolate bar I put under her pillow last night.

She gasped and smiled widely.

"Chocolate?" she exclaimed.

"The tooth fairy knows you too well." I told her, smiling back, "You should go back to bed, okay? And please listen to the older girls while I'm gone, okay? Be good for me, okay?"

"Okay!" she nodded as she rolled over, going back to sleep.

I walked back over to my duffel bag, grabbed it and snuck out of the orphanage.

Infatuated ~ Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now