Part 38

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"What..are you doing?" Feeling my hair being pulled up by Yohan as we were walking, he didn't seem to let go which got me confused.

"They're staring at you right now" Looking over at him, I saw how he was glaring at the men passing by, making me burst into laughter. "They're probably staring because of the little stunt you're doing with my hair" With a huff, his glaring never stopped as he let go of my hair before placing his hand around my waist. Hmm, I love seeing him jealous

I, too, then covered his face with my arm, leaving him puzzled with my actions. "All those women are staring at you as well, so I can't help but cover your face for the rest of the time here."
"Or should I get a face veil made especially for you?" Swatting my arm away, he had on an amused expression, his smile contagious.

"Okay enough joking around, we have to discuss something important." As he led me inside one of the shops, the thought of a possible war made me halt in my steps. "What happened with the neighboring enemies? Are you planning to go into battle again?"

"Yul said he and his majesty will try to handle it themselves for now. If fighting is needed, then I'll-"

"I see"

Cutting him off, I had a hard time keeping my heart steady as my mouth dried up from anxiety. Flashbacks of the soldiers hurt on the ground, their cries of pain, the stench of blood in the air, and especially my husband lying down still as if he were dead came to mind. I couldn't shake off the feeling that this might happen again, and so soon. Closing my eyes, I tried to calm down as I suddenly felt out of breath. My ears felt blocked as if I was underwater, the sound of only muffled voices was heard.






"What's wrong? Do you want to rest for a bit?" I came back to reality once I saw Yohan looking down at me with concern. Trying to hide my trembling hands, I let out a smile before shaking my head.

"Okay then, but when I said we needed to talk about something important, it wasn't about that." Sitting down, I finally noticed that we came here to eat, looking at the tables next to us. "A bowl of stew and seaweed soup"

The lady working here got us our meals and rice on the side. "It must be your birthday today! You precious little thing, you have to thank your mom for giving birth to you. Childbirth isn't an easy thing" Patting my back a few times, she left to continue on with her work.

"Although I'm about two weeks late, happy birthday Goeun"

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I waited for him to start eating before putting the rice in the soup. Taking a big bite, I nodded my head in approval of the taste.

"So this is what you wanted to talk about?" He looked rather pleased with himself and this situation, making me smile unknowingly.

I can't with him..


"You idiot, how dare you leave me? If you had told me, I would've gone with you" Hyerin has basically been attached to me ever since I came back to the residence, not letting me out of her sight.

Just in time, Prince Yul dragged her away, pulling her to his side protectively. "I don't think that's a very good idea. Do you want the whole nation looking for you?" As they were busy bickering with one another, I watched them with a smile on my face. Yohan told me that Hyerin was devastated after she heard about the whole story of Minah and us. She was mad that no one told her earlier, especially at her husband.

When we were eating a while ago, Yohan literally said "I don't know if he's even alive right now". Minah left to the palace earlier than the rest of us, which was probably done by the orders of his highness. Although I do feel bad about it, I also realized I should learn to not feel guilty for being happy on my own. I know it's selfish of me, but I'm tired of trying to take responsibility for things that aren't in my control.

Going back inside my room, I noticed Yohan's back on me as he was taking off the bandage around his chest. Walking over to him, I examined his body which had a few bruising still visible. "Do you want me to apply the salve for you?"

Before I could smear some on, he took hold of my wrist before arching his brow. "Where did the innocent Goeun go? You used to blush just by looking at me shirtless"

"I don't get flustered over those things anymore" Flipping my hair back, I applied it onto him with a confident smile, until he sneakily guided my hand elsewhere.

"How about now?" With a mischievous glint, he leaned closer to me, making me turn into a red tomato. "I'd like to take back my words now" Pushing him away, I ran to escape to the door as he chased after me laughing.

"Come back here"


Waking up from a nightmare isn't the best feeling, as I got up to grab his shirt instinctively. But upon realizing where I was and the person sleeping next to me, I got back in the covers.

Grabbing his hand for comfort, I tried to calm down without disturbing him. It was the same dream again, where I saw everyone dead on the ground, laying still in a pool of blood. Their eyes were open but at the same time empty, with no trace of life or emotion in them.

Shuffling next to me, Yohan took me in his embrace. "Your heartbeat is fast" His voice sounded a bit more raspy as he rubbed my back soothingly. It was quiet for a moment as I contemplated on whether telling him or not.

"Yohan? Can someone ever get over a traumatic experience?"

"They first learn to cope, and then build up the courage overtime to recover from it. But, it's never forgotten, as it comes back to you from time to time." Hearing that made me feel a little better, knowing that I will one day, get past it.

"How do you cope with constant blood shed and fighting?"

"I-get stronger, to not let anyone down. So that I will succeed and not suffer anymore losses"

The sound of the wind outside was heard as I processed his words carefully. I focused more on how his words was not any losses but instead anymore losses. "That's-such a huge burden for one person. But I know you'd never change that" Tightening my hold on him, I stifled a cry, not wanting to show him that I'm afraid.

"I'm always apologetic towards you, but is it too selfish of me to ask you to continue staying by my side?"

"You were so determined to take me home earlier, you even talked about kidnapping so seriously." Grinning, he shook his head no before saying "You know I would never do that to you."

"I think you would"

Nudging me away, he sulked as I laughed softly, trying to hug him again. We both went back to sleep with my mind a bit more at peace, thanks to the conversation we had tonight.
I'll be strong too, to get over this and stay by your side confidently.

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