Part 1

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main character:

Han Go Eun (noble lady)

Let's all say our girl's name correctly before proceeding ⬆️


The palanquin came to a stop in front of a familiar house that we come to quite frequently. I slowly stepped out making sure to fix my dress to get rid of any wrinkles that might have formed.

"Make sure to control your facial expressions once we go inside, do you hear me?" I glanced over at my mother once those words left her lips. She gave me a stern look and I bowed my head down in embarrassment recalling the last time I made a ruckus when we went to Lady Byeol's residence for tea.

"But she started it mother, pushing her son's marriage into every topic that we talked about together. How am I supposed to answer to such obvious suggestions?" When we got invited for tea last time, I patiently listened to that woman's blabbering for a few hours until I couldn't handle it anymore. I calmly told her that her son wasn't exactly to my liking so she got mad and tried to pick a fight with me, insulting me about being ungrateful.

Mother fixed a loose strand of my hair into place before sighing. "But Goeun-ah, there was no reason to start talking back to her like that. Those women in there will spread horrible rumors about you if you keep acting up like that. Do you want your mother's reputation to go down by people saying that I didn't raise my daughter right?" Mother was pretty sensitive when it came to these things and would always be strict with me.

I shook my head no before opening the door to go inside. Manners and etiquette was a big thing here for nobles and one small mistake could result in your whole family's honor tumbling down. From a young age, I was to take lessons to learn how to walk, talk, and even breathe gracefully. I would have to learn embroidery, painting, and calligraphy. My childhood passed by like that, with hours of practicing to master all the things that society put as a must for us women to know.

"Greetings Lady Byeol and Lady Kang, thank you for inviting us over today. It's a pleasure to be here."

"I hope you weren't offended by my actions last time Lady Byeol"

"No no, the pleasure is mine, come in come in. The tea will get cold and all the ladies are waiting inside." They ushered us in and I quickly looked around for anyone that I knew to spend the remaining of my time here with.

Once we arrived back at home, I greeted my father briefly before going into my room. My room was redesigned a few days ago due to the constant requests I made to father saying how my preferences changed as a I grew older.

I sat down and my maids came in to help take off all the accessories off of my hair. "Would you like us to prepare a bath for you my lady?" "a hot bath will soothe your muscles and help you to relax.."

"Father asked for my presense in his study room after this, so just help me with my hair for today Areum-ah." She quickly got to work and started to brush my hair, making me feel a little sleepy. "If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would ever be able to take care of all this long hair myself"

"Well that is my job my lady." Areum chuckled and a smile went on my face.


"Father, you called for me?" I made my way to where he was sitting and took a seat across from him. Father was around the age of 40s and was starting to get white hair around his head and beard. He glanced up from the papers he was looking over before putting it down.

"Goeun-ah, I had something to tell you today since it's a matter regarding you, the only daughter of the Han family." "And you are turning 19 this year, a very suitable age" He passed a letter to me and I hesitantly took it before reading the contents.

We request that all families with eligible girls submit their names to participate in the Selection of the Crown princess. They are to be tested and then chosen to become the spouse for Crown Prince Jong Yul.

I looked up at father with wide eyes and then pointed between me and the letter.

Father cleared his throat a little uncomfortably. "Since it's a royal edict, we can't reject and there's no need to when an opportunity like this has arisen. Becoming family with the royal family is a once in a lifetime opportunity my child."

I gaped my mouth open and shut not knowing what to say for a bit. So my opinion is once again thrown out the window somewhere. I straightened up my posture and cleared my throat a little uncomfortably. "when will I be leaving for the palace then?"

Father brightened up at my words and wore a big smile on his face. "In a few days so I want you to start packing and getting yourself ready. Your mother has already started to pack the stuff you will take when she heard about it."

I played with the corner of my dress out of nervousness and a little bit of annoyance.

"oh" was all I could say since they already seemed to be ready to wave me off goodbye and all they needed to do was deliver the news. Even if I had refused, I would've still been on that palanquin traveling to the palace in a few days, whether I liked it or not.

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