Part 14

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The wedding ceremony was very formal and grand with decorations hung up everywhere. Varieties of food were set on the tables and alcohol was served one at a time.

Hyerin looked absolutely stunning wearing a long red dress with small gold designs on them. Her head piece looked heavy from here so I can't even imagine how she was feeling inside.

However, she looked unbothered by it as she and the crown prince gave their bows to one another and performed the royal customs for the ceremony.

I tried to feel happy just like everyone else, but the events from earlier kept replaying in my head. Smiling, which was so easy for me to pull off, was suddenly hard to do.

Mother glared at me and grabbed my hand as I gulped down my fourth small cup of wine. "What in the world are you doing" she hissed before taking the wine bottle away from me shaking her head in disappointment.

"Some might think you are upset over his highness getting married."

Watching my two friends get married happily, it made me feel so unlucky. How would you feel if your crush likes someone else and you got rejected 2 times already.
Yeah, you would feel pretty hopeless.


Evening approached and mother and father stood up to go in the guest rooms that the royal family had prepared. Hyerin and Prince Yul had already been escorted into their own room to spend their first night together.

I lazily got up feeling the world spin around me. This was the first time I drank any type of alcohol and I was starting to deeply regret it. I tried walking a few steps, stumbling a little, only to be pulled back by a certain someone.

He placed his hand on my back respectfully before helping me balance myself. I turned around and glared at him. My vision was kind of blurry and distorted but I could easily make out who was standing in front of me.

"Kim Yo Han. May I have your permission to badmouth you?"

"Who asks for permission to do that?" He scoffed before turning me back around and walking next to me.

"You're a jerk. A mean jerk. Are you two faced or something? You tell me you don't like me but lead me on by acting all nice." "If you had someone you liked, why didn't you straight up say so earlier"
Once the jar finally opened, all the things I wanted to say to him flowed out endlessly.

"You're a betrayer and a liar too. I asked for you to write to me. I asked for you to protect me since I was scared. But you didn't do any of those. You threw me away like I was a piece of rubbish."

My mind felt fuzzy and I couldn't filter what was coming out of my mouth anymore.

Once we got to a certain room, he opened the door for me and I took one of my socks off before balling it up and aiming it at his face.

The way he easily caught it ticked me off even more. Before I could grab my other sock, he came over and dragged me over to the bed.

"You should sleep now, or else you will regret your actions tomorrow morning." I could see a smile threatening to form on his face and I scoffed.

He tucked me into bed before making his way out of the room. I stared at his retreating figure and rubbed my tired eyes.

Before closing the door and leaving, he looked over at me once more.

"I never broke the promise of protecting you, Lady Goeun"

I blinked my eyes trying to process his words before putting the blanket over my head.

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