Part 21

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"What are you so busy with lately, my dear husband? Don't lie to me, Hyerin told me that you guys already finished your task a while ago."

"Are you done talking to the door miss?" Areum looked at me disapprovingly as I stared at the pretty white door in front of me. It's been a while since that incident and everything has quieted down. I'm still on mother's bad side but I can't do anything about that anymore.

"Yeah, I'm done. I will confront him today when he comes home"

With a determined look, I was going to wait at the entrance until I saw a big carriage in front of the gate. It was empty but I wondered why it was in front of our place. "Who-??"

Workers came rushing in with Yohan behind them, a mischievous smile on his face. Pointing at the people grabbing our stuff and furniture, I was dumbfounded. "What-?"

Mother and Father in law came rushing out because of the commotion clearly confused by what's happening. "What in the world are you guys doing?!"

Yohan strode over to me before clasping our hands together. "We decided to move out and live separately from today. The preparations have already been made so I hope you both understand"

I was just baffled trying to understand when we even decided on that together. "When-" Quietly whispering to Yohan, I asked "When did we decide on this again?"

"Just now, so go pack your things Goeun, and bring whoever you want along to our new home"

And that is how I ended up bringing Areum and that young guard along with me. They stood happily with their stuff in their hands while I rechecked if we got everything in the carriage.

"We'll be going now mother and father. I'll visit often to play with Nari and we can chat over tea sometime." Bowing my head, I avoided eye contact since they seemed mad at this sudden situation. Don't blame me, I am just going with the flow as well.

"You are officially crazy, Yohanssi" Our new residence was very close to the palace and it looked very new, as if it was renovated recently. A beautiful garden was at the front and even the back yard was spacious. If the outside is this pretty, I want to see how the inside looks like. "Were we that rich that you bought a new property?"

"Did you think your husband was dirt poor?" He chuckled before leading us inside, looking over at me every few seconds, waiting for my reaction.

"Will I be able to recruit more people to work here? If not, then that's totally fine, I'm sure I can manage" I checked our bedroom before going into the kitchen with a big smile on my face.

"Did you know that your wife is an excellent cook? What would you like for dinner?" He laughed silently at my excitement on the different kinds of pots and fresh ingredients this place was already furnished with.

"Aren't you going to ask me why we moved or how I got all this done in a short amount of time?"

"Okay then, let's start with that first. Why did we suddenly leave like that? It's quite unheard of, moving out of your in-laws house this early in marriage"

"I wanted you to feel comfortable and safe , not worrying about what that wo- mother is going to say or her horrible mood swings. I hate seeing my wife be treated with disrespect"

My stomach did a few turns and backflips in there as I gained yet again, more respect for this man in front of me.

"How shall I ever repay you, as you have bestowed such a grand gift to me" exaggerating my words, I managed to bring back the cheerful mood we had going on.

"Repay me by taking good care of this place as the lady of the house."

Nodding my head, we spent the rest of the day touring around the place and moving everything in, just the way I liked it. As I finished cooking with Areum, she held out two bottles of Makgeolli (rice wine) excitedly.

"You are way too young to drink these things, give that to me" we fought over them as she ran around the kitchen, holding the wine safely. "I'll drink only a sip Lady Goeun. And plus, it would be nice to drink after a hard days work!"

Sighing in defeat, I shooed her out before grabbing the tray of food and heading out to the balcony. As I carefully placed it on the table, Yohan poured the drinks for us before sitting down.

Areum had a bottle in her hand as I pulled her aside, quietly talking in a hushed voice "You and that guard can eat in the dining room inside. And please, don't drink too much, I don't know what kind of a drunk you are"

"I love you my lady" This girl is getting cheekier everyday. I scoffed before pushing her out playfully.

Outside was very beautiful as I gazed out at the stars, scattered out in the sky. Eating here while enjoying the peaceful night was definitely a good idea.

"How well can you hold your liquor?" Clinking the bowls together, I took a sip remembering that I'm a lightweight drinker.

"Hmm, I can handle maybe two to three bottles?"

"Oh no, then I should bring atleast 3 more bottles over here." as I pretended to get up, he threw his head back in laughter. "Are you perhaps trying to get me drunk?"


As I placed some of the pajeon (korean pancake) on his rice bowl, he lifted an eyebrow in surprise. "Do you want to ask me something? You're acting suspiciously.."

"I am curious about something, but I think it would be hard for you to answer right away" biting the inside of my cheek out of nervousness, I didn't know how to bring it up as it has been lingering in my mind lately.

"Go ahead then"
"The people back at home... aren't your real family, are they?.."

The tension was suffocating as we both sat in silence, until Yohan placed the bottle on his end of the table.

"I think you should get a few more of these before we start"

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