Part 36

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"I'll call for the doctor and his highness. They've also been worried sick. You've been in and out of consciousness for a while now." Ignoring my question completely, she tried to step away only for me to grab onto her even more tightly.

"Bring my wife over here as well" she glared at me before running a hand through her hair.

"Can you please stop talking about your wife for a moment. I'm trying to care for you here" The rudeness she was showing threw me off guard as I stared at her in disbelief. "If you won't tell me, I'll go find her myself" Getting up, I attempted to leave until she blocked my way in panic.

"She had some errands to run, she'll be back soon"

Although confused, I decided to trust her words for now before sitting back down. Out of all people..She wouldn't lie to me

She insisted that I laid down before bringing me some water and porridge. Glancing at her arm and our surroundings, I tried to piece two and two together.

"Was it your plan to save me by boat? Was there any casualties?"

Running a hand through her hair, she let out a soft sigh. "We- lost a soldier along the way but other than that, everyone else is safe and healing."

"I see.." A weird awkwardness filled the air, something that I've never experienced with Minah before. I couldn't think of anything to say and she too was being a lot more fidgety.

"Do you want me to apply something on your bruises? I'll be sure to do it carefully" Getting up, she grabbed the salve and was about to open it but I stopped her mid-way.

"I can do it myself, you're also in no condition to be caring about me. You can step out now, and inform Goeun when she comes back."

Chewing her bottom lip, she looked conflicted before getting up slowly. "Then, have a good rest. I will check up on you later"

Scanning our room, a weird feeling seeped through me seeing this place a bit more empty than usual. Her things were not placed in the spot it usually was, making me feel concerned.

With a horrible headache, I laid back down before closing my eyes, hoping for her to come home to me soon. I bet she will come running to me to check my condition. With a small smile and some wishful thinking, I fell into a light slumber once again.

My eyes flickered open only for me to notice that the sun was setting, the sky getting darker. Getting up with a bit of struggling, I was about to open the door when Minah came in with a surprised look on her face.

"What are you doing up? You are still strictly on bed rest"

"Where's Goeun at?"

Taking a deep breath, she avoided eye contact with me, something she always did when she felt guilty. "I'll be honest with you....she left without telling anyone. None of us know why"

"Stop lying to me and tell me where she is or I will go out there to find her myself"

She blocked my way forcefully, not letting me go out, and spoke in an irritated voice.

"She's gone"

I stopped in my tracks as my heart sped up in fear. A dreaded feeling coursed through me as the dream from today was still vividly etched into my mind. "Be more elaborate,What happened to her? Is she hurt?"

Crossing her arms, she let out a scoff before pointing at her arm. "Aren't you maybe supposed to have a conversation with me regarding our escape. Why don't you ask how we got out of there alive? Or what efforts I went through to get you out of there?"

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