Part 17

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Time whizzed by, me and mother got closer in a span of a month spending time together. We went to the market together to select fabrics and picked out things that would go well for my future husband's side of the family.

Learning that Yohan has a younger sister was a little surprising because he just gave off an only child aura. She is only eight years old, that is why they didn't bring her, afraid that she might not be able to handle the trip.

I sent out a letter to Hyerin about my marriage with Yohan and she apparently freaked when she read it. I got a reply back the next day, her letter a little messy seeing her rushed handwriting due to excitement.

She exclaimed saying how happy she was about the news but was shocked on who I was marrying. She said that the crown prince laughed it off before saying that he called it, making her more puzzled.

Sadly she isn't able to attend, but she sent me a gift yesterday. Once I opened it up, a beautiful chest with painting tools inside came to view. I was touched seeing how she still remembered what things I loved to do.

About a week ago, gifts from his side of the family came in a big carriage and we sent ours back to them in exchange. Sending out invitations was also a hard task, as me and mother pondered over who to give it out to.

We even hosted a tea party a few days before the wedding ceremony, and I purposely invited Lady Byeol just to see her reaction. Everything went smoothly and it was finally the big day everyone was waiting for.

I barely got enough sleep before Areum woke me up very early complaining how we were late already. "Areumah, we don't have to rush so much. A wedding won't start without its bride anyways."

"They can wait a little bit" I yawned and sat up stretching.

"We need to get you dressed, put your makeup on, and do your hair beautifully." Your mother is up and dressed already, she'll scold you if she sees you like this"

I washed up before sitting down as 3 of my maids dressed me in layers of silk clothing and did my hair. I wore a red dress that had blue, yellow, and long white stripes on the sleeves. I couldn't see my hands anymore because the white part of the sleeve was intentionally made long to help with the bowing process. They put my hair in a low braided bun before putting the hair accessories and headpiece on top. Then they put the bridal ribbon on each side of my hair pin.

Wearing my hanbok shoes and getting my makeup done was the last part before my stomach rumbled in hunger. "Areum let's go eat something, I am starving" Whining, I sulked until they gave me grapes to munch on.

Once everything was done, I got up with the help of my maids and slowly made my way out to the grand back yard. Ribbons were decorated everywhere and the table laden was at the very center, covered with a blue cloth on one side and red on the other.

The candles were put on each side, dishes filled the table as I also saw a pair of gourd halves. A rooster and hen was also wrapped up in silk, and everyone was at the sidelines, watching everything unfold.

Cushions and a smaller table were put on each side with wash bins next to them. "Keep your head down miss" I tried listening to them while the two assisted me to my spot. However, taking a small peak, I saw Yohan as he was standing on the opposite side of me wearing a dark blue colored traditional robe. We had to both stay serious during the ceremony or it was said that it brings shame to your family and yourself.

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